Need a 90s draw that can still go and carry Undertaker? Say no more

>Need a 90s draw that can still go and carry Undertaker? Say no more.

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When are you going to post said Wrestler?

>wanna a 90s no dime drawn shitter
>say no more familia

they should do a WrestleMania 12 rematch in Saudi Arabia

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how's his adult diaper gonna fit under ring wear? we all know his anus has been leaking ever since that blazing hot night in 92

No one remembers or wants Nashitty however

Shut up carter.

there were more men inside him on that sizzling hot summer night in 92 than there were in the ring for the battle royale tonight

This fuck couldn't go 25 years ago, I can't imagine how shitty is now.

> when you work a work and work 67 black dicks into a shoot

He was smart, by only doing a few moves he can work the same style for decades.


I would unironically pay to see this match. Diesel goes over.


>Kevin Nash

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>tears a quad

You just described the Undertaker and Goldberg


Memes aside, he'd probably tear something. He does look good these days but I'm pretty sure he has little to no endurance and even if he did he's too big for his age and frame

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He could probably carry Bobby lashley as well.

>wasting the man who changed the biz and made wrestling the coolet thing on earyh in the late 90's to a shiiter like carder
he's going to pass the torch to Drew in the next best in the world tournament

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is this the dude who got raped in the ass by black people?

This guy had one of the most extensive move sets for anyone his size or even smaller

Austin or Rock aren't coming back to wrestle

Have you watched him? It's the same moves of doom. 5, 10, 15 of them, it doesn't matter much.

Rock obviously is, though.