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Other urls found in this thread:

>posting the guy who had a restraining order put on him by becky lynch

Redpill me on what happened

Post more salt

Mansoor fought Shia Labeouff and warned the world about the Jewish scoundrel.

Mansoor made fun of Shia Lebouf like 2 years ago and now Twitter is going to go after him, but Saudi money is protecting him.

His career is O V E R the moment the libtards find out he posts on 4chin

hes a poc he'll be fine

I genuinely hope Rovert dies of muscular atrophy

Is that true?

just like Lars got "fined" and still beat the shit out of minorities? dont wake up from your fever dream anytime soon, you wont be able to handle the tides turning.

Literally has Saudi Blood money behind him. WWE is probably being paid to employ him.

He's a Saudi POC and Vince loves edgy humor as we see with Lars continuing to get pished


Attached: 7C44Fr3.png (800x450, 395K)

They can cry all they want, but Manny is making money, winning one of the biggest matches in WWE history in his home country, cutting a promo in front of thousands of people, and making his dream a reality. They can keep seething, that Manny is going to keep making history.



just some silly rumor i heard years ago

based user believing me

Attached: sure why not.png (648x240, 27K)


>fever dream anytime soon, you wont be able to handle the tides turning
What are those cryptic libtard vs /pol/tard messages

>tides turning
>day of the rope
Fuck you all mean

>Yea Forums

Wait, THAT'S HIM? No way. No fucking way

How long before this photo circulates on twitter and he gets the Lars treatment?

it is.

A 'fine' and getting to beat up minorities on TV every weak?

based retard

He might even get it worse since he's an Arab offending Jews desu

>2 posts
>5 likes and a retweet

Jews, liberals, Obama, reddit, woo, twitter, rovert, trannies all btfo by BASED 4chad Manny

I just hope it's all post-ironic because the shit both of those tard brigades spout sounds like some elegant gentleman's manifesto-tier cringe

And thats another example why he is /ourguy/ and no one else can carry credit. Manny is an Yea Forumsie and tonight Yea Forums just went over 49 of the best WWE had to offer.

Vince has already put him over. He's Vince's middle east guy now.

Umm sweetie, he's an oppressed Muslim POC.


Actually and unironically based, I'm glad he won


hi trevor

nigga trevor would never come here.

he tweets about here bruh

i unfollowed him years ago. does he tweet about how Yea Forums is a shithole or actual shit that is happening here?

He calls us all anti-semites and thinks we are working us when he is acting like a seething faggot

oh no no no no no no

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rovert stapled becky lynch and she got a restraining order against him so he’s trying to rebrand as a social justice warrior

based bex

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she’s got him worked into an eternal rage

based Manny is /ourguy/

He does. He defends himself while pretending it’s not him all the time

>guy without a Wikipedia entry won the GBR

Absolutely fucking based.


Is this obese welfare NEET so fucking stupid and sheltered he thinks Muslims get along with Jews?

He's THE guy

rovert is a mick shoot cripple. How has he not killed himself yet?


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Attached: wolfcuck.png (671x497, 276K)

here is his finest moment
>tfw "4U" becomes the next big WWE catchphrase

Attached: 4u.gif (444x250, 642K)


Imagine acting like this in public. I hope his family disowns or honor kills him.

Imagine seething because people are having fun. You mad David?

leddit and twatter thinks I'm (an Arab) is a white supremacist because I don't blindly neo-liberal hate on everyone with differing views.

You're not /ourguy/ until you redpill the audience manny

*unironically shills a Jordynne Grace match in your path*

What's wrong with the photo?

there are more than one arabic guys on this website, friend.

thanks to modern technology we will still be able to read what this fucking queer thought about stuff long after he dies of AIDS in about 3 weeks

he's just keeping his hands warm, what am I missing?

I thought Yea Forums hated muslims why is he our guy?

>after he dies of AIDS in about 3 weeks
based if true

This board worships pajeets and an arab shitposter. It's the most inclusive on Yea Forums other than /pol/ itself

Everything we post here is ironic, including racism.
Also fuck jews and muslims.

But most importantly fuck crackers and niggers.



This but unironically

