Based Meltzer
Based Meltzer
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who gives a shit, I'm watching Super Showdown
Meltzer son is a faggot
>fake fighting """journalist""" talking down to the President of The USA
Meltzer 1
Rapey Gameshow Host 0
Meltzers a Jew so this is expected
>le Meltz has to virtue signal
Big yikes.
how can he be so redpilled on wrestling but bluepilled in everything else
That tweet is classic Trump baitposting. I knew Meltzer was dumb, but yikes.
Retard Meltzer failed reading comprehension.
trumpanzee seething
>Meltzer is a Jew
So he should be supporting Trump then
lol that more dumb libs got triggered. Obviously they’re not the same, he just means the moon used to be part of mars, which is true. Goddamn you AEWtist libs are dumb.
Big Dave going over clean
He's a kike.
How can you not get what he meant here? Leftists are deranged.
Meltzer had sex?
ya seething, Trumpcuck?
Trump lives in wannabee Journalists head rent free regardless of the field.
Based Israel Defender btfo the libs once more
But seriously, all memes aside, does Trump have Alzheimer's?
he is clearly confused and needs assistance at times
kek. meltzer is the last person who should be mocking others for poor communication skills.
going back to the mental health narrative? honestly get new material it has been
Russia >>> Taxes >>>> Health for over 3 years now
>WWE HoFer making the most literal fake news journalist seethe so hard he cannot read
First you libs say he’s dumb, then retarded, then a Russian spy. Which one is it???
I have no dog in this hunt, user. He just sounds like a guy with brain damage or something.
Donald Trump is just a grade-A shitposter. No president has been this visible in the media or social media so he's just lapping up the spotlight. I don't think he even has a real endgame, he just likes getting reactions.
Just saying you support Trump sends people into shock and frenzy. George Bush couldn't do that and he was president when people were scared to go outside because of terrorism
Why is he crying like such a bitch for past 2 hours?
Shut the fuck up you pussy. Go back to red.dit faggot
the orange is a buffon,a baboon,a literal hall of famer of the most carny industry of the world
cant wait to democrats going over next year
I honestly believe Trump tweets shit like that because he knows lefturds will have a meltdown over it (I mean they meltdown over everything he does like the little snowflakes they are, but I think Trump gets a particular enjoyment over their hissy fits over tweets like that).
Proved his point there genius.
Three (3) years later. Still seething over an election result that impacted (You)r life in absolutely no way whatsoever. Nothing is different since Trump became President to when Obama was President in your life that is the result of someone (You) didn't want to win winning an election.
>The guy said /our/ moon is part of Mars
He doesn't give it that much thought. He's just a strange guy.
>Wrestling journalist gets worked into shoot by WWE Hall of Famer
All shitposting aside, what the fuck did Trump mean by that?
He wants NASA to bankroll his retarded space military plan.
>we can get never get to Mars without what we learn and have learned from moon programs
there, now stop getting worked
man,i wish i had cultist fans like drumpfs has
This will just lead to the MSM to talk about how going to the moon is a waste of money, truly a 4D chess move
it's a literal free week for him to do w/e he wants without anybody noticing
A mission to mars would be easier to launch from an outpost on the moon where we can extract Helium3 from the lunar regolith to use as fuel.
literally worked
Granted trump is literally fucking retarded.. like dumber than a rock couldnt pass any 4th graders history or civics test
This tweet is Not an example of him being stupid.
Only call shit out when its true or else you look hysterifal
ummm no sweatie Trump is a billionaire with an I.Q of 147 and redditors who call him retarded are Starbucks employees who cum to cartoon ponies
Dont be actively stupid for politics dude.
Saying hes informed or knowledgeable or doesnt lie or isnt corrupt takes incredible levels of self delusion
That shits embarssing
>reddit spacing
>reddit opinions
ya seethe pinhead
Trump is doing the same shit he's been doing since 1985. He's always had the cocky, uncaring, New Yorker rich asshole gimmick. It's why people watched The Apprentice, just to watch him be an asshole to little people.
92% of Jews voted for Hillary
Based Meltzer with the fourth grade reading comprehension.
A moon base is part of the mars mission you absolute brainlet
Why are journalists so fucking retarded?
especially ones who cover video games and wrestling?
He's just senile
because you have to be pretty fucking stupid to enter a field where only like a dozen people in it at most can live comfortably off of it alone
The tweet does not mention a moon base.
Trump's brains are literally turning to soup in front of eyes and people are desperate to make excuses for dementia addled old rapist.
meltzer still thinks Pluto is a planet.
based meltzer
I never understood why americans must defend or attack their presidents like their lives depend on it. From an outsider perspective, I can see Trump means well when he speaks but his lack of non-bar vocabulary and how he strings sentences together makes you believe the guy isn't even smart enough to cut your garden. That said, and I like Dave, but he's not any better in that department. He takes at least 5 minutes or 10 sentences to say what it can be said in 1 minute or two sentences.
bruh he's the president he knows what nasa is up to
if anything he was baiting liberals so they act retarded
Says a lot about the state of USA when that is legit.