Visits some dying child in you're path

>visits some dying child in you're path

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>Kid's dying so he no longer has to be a WWE fan

Don't feel sorry for him; he's one of the lucky ones.

Lmao this poor sandguy got fucking Mojo Roman and other shitters instead of Taker or Goldberg

Based Big Dog has enough time to save wrestling AND be an inspiration to the next generation

How many logs did this kid get to suck out of Lexi?

>dying kid

You guys are dying of cancer, or aids you got from that tranny off grindr, and Make a Wish offers to have a wrestler come visit you at the hospital. Who do you ask for?

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Sonny Kiss

>dying from cancer
>having to meet Mojo
Dunno what’s worse tbqhwyf

Jimmy Ocean

Mojo is based though

Chris Benoit

Kids today don't know who the fuck Oldberg is you worthless boomer.

Fair play to Mojo. He's trying his ass off this trip.


Ricochet looking like a baller in that high collar black shirt and massive gold chain. Real 90s Tupac shit

Burka Lexi best lexi

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She looks hot in everything

Who's the nog on the left?

Ricochet and Reigns are the only ones looking like dimes here.

might as well get a blow job out of it

Bobby already dropped his mustache look?

Ricoche simp spending his money on a gold chain that probably cost $50,000 dollars. He should save his fricking money or spend it on others things. I fricking hate when they waste the money on stupid crap.

>Bliss and Natalya wearing makeup and not covering their hair

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Kenny Omega unirronically

Under Saudi law visitors don't have to wear a head covering unless they're visiting a mosque, they just have to dress modestly.

He bought it with the money from his momma's go fund me

angling for some heroin to ease ya passing huh

imagine being sick but you get to meet the boy manny before dying pretty nice.


Lexi so i can have one happy memory before i die

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>or aids you got from that tranny off grindr
Do people still die of aids in 2019? I thought there were already tons of cures for this shit


Nice of them to visit Johnny Gargano in the hospital.

This. I'd wanna bury his free ass in Third Strike before I go.

The kid looks genuinely happy an thats all that matters even if its just such obvious virtue shit

"your" you ignorant cunt flap