Mmmmh, yep. Marks are in the ring now.
Mmmmh, yep. Marks are in the ring now
I really hope this tweet isn't real
Keep crying. even Tana thanked Dave for getting good star ratings
It is.
Something very gay about this. idk just feels off to me all of a sudden.
good, go watch some baron corbin matches faggot
you're the one boiling you sperg
i didnt start this thread
You made the thread....
based retard working himself into shoot
It's two different people ya geek
Why. It is real.
An actor is happy that one of the most respected critics liked his performance.
What is the problem?
Imagine being a movie fan thinking an actor who thanks Roger Ebert giving a good review to their performance is somehow negative.
E Drones are cult members.
Anyone else get the feeling wrestlers are catering their matches towards Meltzer for star pops now? There's been a sudden spike in finisher spam, cartwheel knees and sequence staredowns.
Imagine an actor ever doing this and it not being seen as a conflict of interest.
even gay actors aren't faggy enough to thank movie reviewers
you just made that up
who said anything about WWE?
talk about obsessed
Actors don't produce or write the movie, and they have stunt doubles doing the dangerous shit
A better analogy would be a chef thanking Gordon Ramsey for saying a meal he made for him was really good
Ospreay literally said he is doing that on twitter.
Why not? What s the problem?
How's that? The actor knows what exactly will said specific critic like and he transforms his own performance to cater to his taste.
He is selling out to get better takes from this one critic and people who share the critic's taste. The performer is looking to please specific niche of the market.
I don't see any conflict of interest. The performer is meeting the demand that is there.
Actors do that all the time
>thanks for the great response to my new movie
Or some shit like that
The only issue is Dave is the only reviewer so he's the only one you can thank
It’s complete faggotry
Gordan can cook. Meltzer cant
Bet he went to go play childrens video games together after this tweet. God I can't stand modern wrestlers. Back in the day we had men who would fuck bitches, do drugs and go out all night. Now we have simps who practice flips, play childrens games, watch cartoons, sit on twitter all day and collect funko pops. I fucking hate it. Where did all the MEN go?
The only people who take Dave's ratings seriously are the wrestlers. What a shambles.
I mean, do people not remember every movie ever that got one listing that it got two thumbs up? Actors and studios do this literally all the time.
Tell me an actor who caters their acting to the tastes of a specific reviewer. I'll wait.
It's actually absurd the level of power Meltzer has in the world of Outlaw (and nxt) wrestling. It is fucking strange that a large amount of prominent wrestlers around the world literally cater their "art" to one man. Props to big dick Dave, but it's weird.
Why are you obsessed with men?
Big difference is movies do this from multiple different reviews, not just one guy, over and over.
Is you gay ?
As if there's any doubt he's the new source in Jew Japan and is selling his booty for snowflakes.
Quit lying.
ya mad, bro?
you tell me
do people take these ratings seriously still?
Tana recognizes.
but meltzer isnt a wrestler
Dave has to back up his claim that Ospreay is the greatest wrestler ever so he inflates all of his matches star ratings to justify this in a self-serving circle jerk.
This pasta is lame as fuck
It's more that he has to inflate Ospreays to justify inflating Garganos, because there is nobody is going to buy Cole/Gargano breaking the 5 star scale if Shingo/Ospreay didnt break it even harder.
Ummm sweetie it took you this long to figure it out? In 2019 ??
Lads what happens when Dave dies? Who's going to hand out the memestars?
Tana went ou his way to hangout with Dave on WM weekend
Flair marked out over Meltzers ratings 30 years ago ya simp.
Why do they need to thank multiple people for it to be valid when they can just go for the most regarded.
There were/are significantly more review systems than thumbs up or the star system, but studios went for the most respected and regarded.
In wrestling, the Ebert happens to be Meltz.