NXT does pro-wrestling better than New Japan, and everyone speaks English...

NXT does pro-wrestling better than New Japan, and everyone speaks English. WWE does sports entertainment better than AEW, and isn't filled with literal who's.

New Japan and AEW is cringe. WWE and NXT do everything better. Outlaw shit needs to leave this board.

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For me, it was 2010--2012 NXT

Lol. Cringe flippy gay shit. Assplay will never be good; it's why he's not in WWE and Ricochet is. Assplay stole everything he knows from The One and Only. Gargano is the best wrestler in the world and has an all-time classic every TakeOver. GTFO, and don't @me with your cringe weebshit.

Kinda based. Weebshitters need to be BTFO

>New Japan and AEW is cringe. WWE and NXT do everything better.
They're all shit.

>NXT does pro-wrestling better than New Japan, and everyone speaks English
>everyone speaks English
>in Japan

who will be the audience of this show?

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>90% past their prime
>Live 5 times a year
>That pussy Mauro Ranallo doing commentary
>The wrestling is just 2010 PWG
>No 6 and 7 star matches
>People will eventually "move up" and the last 2 year meant nothing
>characters rarely evolve past basic heels and basic face's
>Shitty crowd's full of neckbeard's
>Shitty meme chant's
>Adam cole is 95.25 kg and a "Heavyweight" AHAHAHAH

>90% in their prime
>always live
> Chad's like Rocky Romero(some one trained by Inoki) do commentary
>6-7 star matches
>characters are always evolving and changing
>Crowd full of young,good looking girl's
>No meme chant's

>>Adam cole is 95.25 kg

yeah i know. maybe if the cunt is socking wet with one of the other geek's in undisputed era on his shoulders

Yeah that great evolution from okadawinslol to fucking with ballons to okadawinslol. Great change.

>he doesn’t realise NXT is just as bad as outlaw feds
And you call yourself an E-drone? Pathetic.

% in their prime
and anyone worth a shit based Paul will snatch them and make them mid-card fodder real white stars who actually speak English.
>>always live
TakeOver is always live you fucking dope.
>>low-card simps like Rocky Romero
-7 star matches
Not 1 since Kennetty left. The real best bout machine is Gargano.
>>characters are always evolving and changing
Imagine believing OkadawinsLOL and TanahashiwinsLOL is evolving. Dumb who jap weeb.
>>No meme chant's
Read: excited and invest crowds

>>he doesn’t realise NXT is just as bad as outlaw feds
lolno. TakeOver draws 20000 on the regular. Therefore it actually draws and is better than any outlaw shit could ever dream!

Yeah balloon okada was kino

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>The real best bout machine is Gargano
Cucked by Ospreay for match of the year according to big dick dave

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NXT is literally NJPW jrs lite and none of these cunts can hold a fuckin candle to sasuke or liger

Dave said Johnny Wrestling is the best wrestler ever in WWE. He's had more consecutive 5-star matches than anyone. More people around the world know him. And he doesn't have to bump himself to dust to get a reaction because he can actually tell an emotional story. Assplay is a meme that couldn't even make it in WWE. And he knows it. He admits it would be too hard for him because he'd literally bump himself to sawdust because that's the only way he knows how to work.

Now stop @ing me with ya cringe weebshit, ya dumb simp.

>emotional story
people in the crowd were crying at the end of Ospreay vs Shingo.

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You know you'd be blowing Ospreay's gigantic britbong if he ever came to WWE and with your mouth full of his sour cream cum signing his praises.

dumb wymen cry for anything becuase they're wymen. shingo makes them wet. assplay makes nobody cry except maybe u because your some trans britcuck.

Any other cunts drop watching NXT regularly when the fucken Gargano/Ciampa shit dragged on for too long? Also fuck those last two Takeover main events that was just full on bullshit.

>WWE does sports entertainment better than AEW
no it doesn't
WWE is really, really bad at sports entertainment

Bullshit, as if this cunt had more five star matches than Danielson

Anyone who says anyone other than Danielson is the best at anything is a newfag


you think current WWE is good at characters, storylines and the show is entertaining?
you'll find that you're the one in the minority here

Danielson literally have zero 5 star matches

>you'll find that you're the one in the minority here
He will find he's the only one in the fucking world