>NXT is now forcing new signees to five year contracts instead of the traditional three in order to lock them up for much longer and to prevent them testing the waters as a free agent.
Gaytch is shook
>NXT is now forcing new signees to five year contracts instead of the traditional three in order to lock them up for much longer and to prevent them testing the waters as a free agent.
Gaytch is shook
>They get a steady income in the big leagues for even longer
I fail to see the problem
You only get big league pay when you get called up. You get 60k a year in NXT, and Paul will keep them down there longer if they are on 5 year deals.
Nobody with any talent is going to sign long term deals with NXT until they see if AEW flops or not.
NXT money is shit. Fucking rinky dink joshi promotions like Stardom pay more.
So NXT is going to sign a lot less people and nobody any good? Cool strat
>Mark contracts are now 5 years long
Who in the world is stupid enough to NOW sign with NXT?
>having to stay in the florida swamplands for 5 years for subpar pay
people dumb enough to fall for the "headlining wrestlemania" meme
>steady income
pick one
Imagine thinking anyone is ever going to sign a NXT/WWE contract again, unless they're a literal nobody just learning
Does that mean Io will job to Shayna and the main roster blondes for the next four years ? Fuck.
Probably not. Meltz makes this sound like a very recent change.
Who the hell watches NXT anyways, isn’t it basically indy wrestling except you can’t do dangerous moves like piledrivers and all that other shit that is banned in the WWE.
>new signees
Los contract is probably still 3 years.
It's a recent chance.
She will job to Shayna for the next 1 1/2 years, get called up and then do nothing.
And still re-sign since only the money and miles matter
Fug. I was looking to sign with nxt within the next year too, but to dedicate half a decade seems a bit much.
Speak for yourself faggot, Io has miles to spare and could be making more money going back to Stardom. What will prevent her from leaving?
The absolute state of any of the bingo hall brawlers who post here who sign a mark contract like this. Don't fucking do it.
Funny enough, this might save ROH... which in turn could save the NJPW AEW deal.
Vince is really afraid of AEW.
You can be trapped for 3-4 years if they book you like shit. Considering Vince's track record with NXT call-ups, this is a given.
This is exactly why the WWE is in big trouble, what talent is EVER going to fucking sign with WWE again? Unless they start massively overpaying and I'm even sure that will work.
>be fucked with onesided contract
>trapped in bingo hall for half a decade
>know you won't even appear for weeks or months at a time once you even get to the main roster
>be completely over controlled and have constantly battle with going into Vince's office if they ever do have anything for you
>be completely miserable and unhappy doing something you once loved
think it's all gonna depend of how mark for wwe one is, if you only grew up watching only wwe then they got their hooks dug in deep
Paul is putting a LOT of faith in the brass ring on this one. NXT money is fucking terrible, Ricochet and Lio Rush have confirmed that much. Anyone who signs up to bump their neck into sawdust in front of 200 neckbeards for five years is a grade A moron.
I hope Kushida regrets ever signing with the E when he could've just stole money from Cawdy and pals..
dude there’s marks like Zach Ryder who’d happily do that