Why can’t /they/ Just book an nxt invasion angle...

Why can’t /they/ Just book an nxt invasion angle, and work on the shoot angle where Gaitch is flat of pissed with what his daddy in law is doing to the company and takes nxt guys to “invade” raw - like “wrestling vs sports entertainment” angle or whatever; to usher in a new era? Could it work?

Will this get people watching again?

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>Could it work?
No because the "stars" of NXT are manlets.

No one watches NXT anyways so they wouldn't know who the new midgets are.

No because Vince doesn't want to step down.

No one cares about the NXT geeks.

>undisputed era invade RAW and get mugged by Lashley and Corbin

Then nxt guys could focus on athleticism- and for once make wins goddamn matter. Vince always had a sense of when it was time to “change” the product, happened during the rock and wrestling years, to the new generation to attitude.

No. It would only appeal to the small group of internet fans who actually care about "wrestling vs. sports entertainment." The rest of the fans wouldn't give a crap.

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>The fights are made up and the wins don't matter.

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