Renowned as a terrible promo for his entire career

>renowned as a terrible promo for his entire career
>so bad that even in trash tier WCW they kept him off the mic while guys like Dean "the shitter" Malenko were given promo time
>comes back to WWMEME nearly 20 years later
>is literally the best talker in the entire company and probably the world
has goldberg astronomically improved or are today's wrestlers just THAT bad?

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Goldberg was always based, but he looks absolutely golden compared to today's trash.

The latter

>BIG MAN... Friday night, bring your jockstrap
>and tighten that sumbitch up tight
>cause it's gonna be a ride
literally what in the gay fuck did he mean by this

he's telling undertaker to protect himself as much as he can because he will be extremely aggressive

When he sodomises him?

>Goldberg sodomises Taker in the middle of the ring
>muslims aren’t allowed to view homosex, and if they do they must kill themselves
>Vince single-handedly destroys the entire Saudi Arabian regime

It's easier to talk when you're paid millions to do nothing and have no fucks to give.

Dude spent the last 20 years acting. He was always good at getting energy and intensity across, now he can read a script too.

He actually doesn’t have a script. Meltzer was just talking about it on WOR. Goldberg has the Cena/Lesnar/Heyman/Bryan deal where he can say what he wants.

Goldberg might be the only wwe promo that isn't scripted. Its in his contract that he gets to cut his own promos.

Goldberg's real good, but considering 99% of the guys on the roster are forced to read scripted promos like malfunctioning robots, he comes across even better. Almost like an actual human is talking.

based translator user

He was never a bad promo what are you on about? Part of his mystique was not talking a big game, he just went out and wrecked shit.

>Calls Carder "Taker" like 5 times
How Fucking seething was Vince? That's been a pet peeve of his since 2008

>probably the world
This dude is 23 and could talk circles around 90% of Goldberg's generation.

Oops, forgot my image.

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he wasn't that good bro

What the fuck is it with Jews and being good promos?
>Alexa Bliss

Goldberg is unironically a legend

Man Jericho should have copyrighted this look and character considering how many people crib it

he hosted tv shows and just got better at something over time like most people. if only nigs could become civilized they have had such a long time

Miz fucking wrecked Jericho when he called him an imitation, though.

"How can I be imitating you when I've won the main event at Wrestlemania?"

high voibal iq you filthy goy

the craft of lying depends heavily on talking abilities. jews are natural born liars, so no doubt they would be good at cutting promos.

Yes but Jericho actually has gone over major stars. Also undisputed

Jericho gets wrecked all the time. He did an interview at a local news station and the chick interviewing him told him its suprising he's a wrestler being as small as he is and Jericho turned bright red and looked like he wanted to die


Ironic how Bryan and Heyman are the only good promos in that company

Macho man's mom was Jewish, Joel Gertner's jewish, and Gulak's a surprisingly great promo

They are that bad

funny enough both men's main events were overshadowed by what the rock was doing

Thinking Cena can't cut a promo. Get a load of this dude.

Neither Cena nor Bryan have talent.

This. End of discussion.

Cena is barely in the company atm tho

Bryan is based, his promos are kino and you're a simp. End of discussion.

really hope cena comes back to do one feud with heel bryan

Even Bryan Alvarez pointed out that Goldberg cuts a better promo than the people forced to use scripts.

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