Will she finally cure her "skin problems" and go full Michael Jackson and become fully white

Will she finally cure her "skin problems" and go full Michael Jackson and become fully white

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Women are so cringe lol

Lmao imagine being a top tier hot rich woman and making up a story about how tough your struggle is because you have a birthmark or something incredibly minor god damn man ahhahah

Women wouldn't hit the wall so fast if they weren't constantly letting these 'problems' nobody else can even see live in their head rent free.

Alicia Atout does this all the time on Twitter, and it pisses me off because I love her interviews. Hot women want to be victimized so bad.

About time she had the dick removed, will really help her pass better.

>getting worked by the doctor to buy a expensive treatment that might not work

Emma didn't make a big deal of her problems. Fuck Brandi

Attached: Emma_Tenille_Dashwood.jpg (618x704, 53K)

It's best to not pay too much attention to what wamen say

id still lick emma from head to tippy toe even with all that gross skin herpes

>you'll never massage her while rubbing in cortisone cream at the same time.

>She told me it wasn't bad. Easy for her to say, ha. She hasn't lived with it.
Cringed so hard right there. Can't even finish the rest of this tripe.

based incels

I knew a kid with psoriasis at a day camp that I used to go to when I was a little bastard.
Thanks for reading my blog.

based incel

I have a very mild case of psoriasis and can only imagine how painful her’s is. Actually feel kind of bad for her.
Would still do her in the state though.

based male feminist virgin

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Good God almighty people


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You sure you have psoriasis if it hurts? It probably doesn't hurt but it might itch from drying out more quickly. A lot of the time psoriasis is a strictly cosmetic disease that does a lot more psychological damage than it ever does physical.

Mine is more minor irritation that might be a step above a mosquito bite.
She’s a different story cause that rash if fucking everywhere. That’s like chicken pox bad.