I promise, 1000%, anyone who buys this shirt will die a virgin

I promise, 1000%, anyone who buys this shirt will die a virgin

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For real, you guys need to cop THIS shit right here, guaranteed to get you laid

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It's a shitty design, but not the worst. Worked you are being.

I say the same for any wrestling shirt.

just bought a Cody shirt, AEW logo shirt and a Kenny & Cody mini brawler, ask me anything

Christ I thought WWE merch was awful

except for red nwo shirts and austin 316

Yeah, because Nyla Rose just screams native. Stupid trannie.

How does it feel being a virgin spending money on wrestling shit when that cash could go to getting laid?

How much cock do you consume per hour?

You'd know, incel

>he has to pay to get laid

hello e-drone!

I'm not a virgin.
If I buy it right now I break your code.


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>double-sided shirts
Instant trailer trash-tier

Honestly, everyone's paying to get laid unless you resort to rape.


I make girls pay for their own meal and then they get the gift of fucking me

Jericho is that you

>fucking me
>lowkey admitting you get pegged

you'd be worse off for having wasted your money on it, and I wouldn't even know that you even bought it and I don't believe that you will - so my confidence is unshaken

back to twitter


Juice, was the death rider. Not that pussy simp Jon.


would actually be unironically nice if it were more subtle.

What's so bad about this shirt? It doesn't even look like a wrestling shirt.

Law and order? Heh?

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More like Law & Order: Social Justice Edition

>did somebody say my name?

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Jokes on you, I lose my virginity at the age of 19 to a weeaboo with yellow fever.

Also I’m a Let it DIE fan so this shirt is perfect.

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I will not buy that shirt and I will still die a virgin.



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i used to think 20 was extremely jewish for shirts at events. gettin old

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