*Shits out AEW in your path*

What do?

Attached: perro y caca.jpg (500x375, 39K)

I'll bring my pooper scooper and work the marks, great stuff

pat the good doggo

that’s so you!

I havr constipation

That’s good shit!

perro caca

>pat head

Good boy!


perro caca

Attached: 1499199349446.jpg (533x503, 136K)

Confirmed for AEW roster.

Was Deanetty hired to scoop it up?

come on man it would have taken like 10 seconds to shoop in the logo

What's Dirk Amprose doing in the Impact Zone?

canino fecal



Low effort shitpost desu

perro caca

eat it

perro caca

caliente perro


damn AEW looking good right there

perro caca

Attached: 1467171496956.webm (960x540, 2.94M)