WWE doesn't have hot fa-

>WWE doesn't have hot fa-

Attached: E-Stacys.webm (600x337, 549K)

Norris fair comparason, Roman Rein Dog is one off the greatest Sex Warriors in a VVVVE histoory...

ke fans
yes they do


He's OK, but he's no Kerry Von Erich.

>everyone else not reacting
>the plants they have are overreacting

Classic WWE

Plants. Anybody who sits on the hardcam side is a plant.

>Instagram thot plants hired by WWE
Yeah, I can tell they’re passionate long time fans....

lmao its so fucking funny just watching the dude in sweatpants no selling everything and the guy in the Macho Man shirt at the end totally absorbed in texting

what is going on with that chicks mouth?

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the blond one didn't even try. bet she no longer get jobs after this

It's true.

The plantiest plants. Who dresses like that for a wrestling show?

The one in the middle looks like Xev

my mom

Plants. Sometimes they'll pick people from the nosebleeds and offer to upgrade them to ringside for free on the condition they chant and cheer like their life depends on it. I remember these fat dyke bitches cheering for Roman way before his leukemia was revealed.

fake as fuck, middle one reminds me of xev

Clearly plants, no one is this obnoxious unless youre retarded

Real E stacies take signs to shows.

Attached: E Stacies.jpg (1242x689, 76K)

you just know the goblina has big droopy tits with bumpy oreo nips

Ring rats which is what they are

Ring rats are way uglier and trashy

aewtists btfo

Attached: aew is soy as fuck.webm (1920x1080, 2.83M)


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quit this shit gimmick.

Shows some of the respect Babun has been it and awesom pooing in loos before ya ever heard of WWE kiddo ding-dong diddly

also the kid staring at the jiggly tits

Do ring rats even need to buy tickets anymore. Seems like you could just slide into some DMs and get cock that way

If they are such huge WWE fans how come we never saw them again? Could WWE not afford attractive women plants?

Attached: Bouncy Bouncy.webm (1920x1080, 1.59M)

Anyone remember Impact Rihanna?

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Is that Xev Bellringer in the middle?

>ring rats

But that would require wrestlers not playing video games all night

you mean when she was with chris brown?

the hottest fans.

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Probelem vvith you people make a cringe faice is just same like in porfessional vvresting off today . you can make faice all you are vvanting but your are laq stones tvvo back him up

Hmm these is a good point ... I knovv that they calls he "Tornado " like it hit St. Louisiana City in 2000 of 5... Because his Sex Karma flovv on the feminale same like these Tornado Miami Louisiana,.

If I'm piecing you of so much, as a sewern enema ajainst all tings vvhich I Stanford, ten I hawe no reason to stop she.

Tank you Sri Lagwah.

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Nasa milkies

>Those obvious plants
Lmao at the state of WWMeme, if you want to see real hot fans watch CMLL

Is that Xev Bellringer?

Those are plants

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Attached: IMG_0476.jpg (396x282, 16K)

lrn 2 type retard


novv vhat happenes




Attached: FBI.webm (400x400, 347K)

I don't have a problem with Vince hiring plants since pro-wrestling is carny as fuck, but WHY would you make them so goddamned obvious?


>+3 years doing this gimmick and still doesn't get over

Literally the Roman Reigns of the Yea Forums posters

>focus on one female fan
>majority behind her is male fans

Xev, Leia and Tara stable when

I tasted vvhat you coll "being ower " in a cantien labolled "S P A M"

Let me toll you , it tasted like a shit.

Let this be metophor you.