They need him now more than ever

They need him now more than ever

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Hi Vince. Shouldn't you peddling conspiracy theories?

To finish killing wwe?

To revive their already dead product

Russo is a hack, he's probably writing for them now with brock lesnar winning a match he wasnt even a part of, that shit is retarded

He’s 1 for 3 iin that department. What makes you think he can save anything.

>Russo is a hack,
>Writes the most successful period in WWF/E history.
Holy shit you zoomers are the worst.

Sure thing pal. Writer can only do so much when the other building blocks are fucked. WWE has the resources and infrastructure, they just need someone in creative department that is actually creative.

He killed WCW and TNA you old ass fag

>those other times don’t count

You have to be sub 50 IQ to believe this.

Based Russo doing the Lord's work for the E

>a writer can kill a company
even supposing that is true, the one to blame would be whoever hired him

>They need him now more than ever
and if they only let him write
he'll be drawing dimes forever

once upon a time i watched raw and smackdown
now i only watch new japan
nothing vince can do
total eclipse of mcmahon

So if a writer can’t kill a company then he doesn’t have the power to save it either.

The only good thing he ever did is giving every men in the roster something to do, which is unfortunately, what WWE badly needs.

>giving every men on the roster something to do

What do you mean?

How about writing weekly kino for over 2 years that was part of American pop culture?

Actually Corny was the cancer killing early TNA until they decided to fire his ass sending him packing to ROH and then later irrelevancy.

>TNA has Russo as their head writer and the shows are filled to the brim with every shitty Russo booking trope
> was Cornette.

Shitty to whom? 2 mil people watching?

The fact that Russo was writing the show lost them their tv deal. Also the fans watched despite Russo not because of him. Do you remember the “Fire Russo “ chants

"Fire Russo" chants were from the marks who you see all over IWC shitting on him with half of them not even knowing why.

Russo did not get them off Spike lol, thats Meltzers bs.

Do you have any proof that it’s “meltzers bs”

I love nothing is ever Russo’s fault with you guys. Russo is shit and everyone in the business knows this. Vince has clearly showed hell work with anyone if there is money to be made yet Russo still sits at home in his in-laws basement begging for a job.
If he’s such a great writer why has he not worked for anyone else. No film. Nothing

>with you guys
It's one guy, user.

When did Russo era tna have a sustained run of 2 million watching?

Give me one logical reason why a TV writer who had TNA doing over 1.5 million people on a regular would cause them to drop them off network?

I love everything is Russo’s fault with you guys. Russo is great and everyone (besides cheeto fingered smarks) in the business knows this. Vince has clearly showed hell work with anyone if there's ass kissing involved yet Russo still sits at home living his life, being happy with his wife and family.
If he’s such a bad writer why he has the best tv ratings in wrestilng's history? No bischoff. Only Russo

Only retards who didn't know what was happening backstage and got all of their information from meltz and other goons chanted 'Fire Russo'
They chanted that during THAT Abyss match even though Russo didn't have anything to do with that abomination
But hey my dudie go watch another epic rant from my man Corny haha it's super funi bro and it got like 2k upboat on reddit I love rassilin! xDD

Still not seeing any proof to your claim just attacks claiming that I'm a reddit boogeyman

>Cornette goes to TNA and tanks the company
b-b-but it was russo...
>Cornette goes to ROH and tanks the company
b-b-but it was russo...
>Cornette doesn't want to do public faceoff with Russo and tanks charities hopes of getting funding to save kids/animals
b-b-but it was russo...

It wasn't my claim sweety, Yea Forums is not a one person.
Moreover, do YOU have any proof that it was Russos writing that got them off Spike?

>Cornette goes to ROH and tanks the company
Cornette was part of the team that got ROH bought by Sinclair. That isn't what most people would consider "tanking the company". Has Russo gone from castrating his marks to lobotomizing them?

Russo past 1998 is the kiss of death to a company.

Its amazing how when anyone brings up russos short comings Russo fags immediately bring up Cornette and blame him. It's like Russo dinndu nuffin

>Cornette was part of the team that got ROH bought by Sinclair.
What? He was employed by ROH during that time but had nothing to with ROH being bought by Sinclair.
A lot of major talent was leaving to WWE and TNA because of him, less and less people came to the shows and overall product was getting worse. He would have run the company to the ground if the didn't got rid of him, which happened not so long after Sinclair acquisition. Only after he left ROH started to bounce back.

We talking about TNAs short comings which mainly were Cornys fault
Wtf would Cornette had to do with ups and downs of Russo in WWE and WCW or anywhere else? He was never a major player in any major company ever

But he has, you retard
A writer in a wrestling company isn't in charge of finances (the reason why WCW died and Dixie Carter's TNA went to hell at the end) but can create enough buzz to get one going off their feet enough time so they can be better off/saved (like 1996 WWF and pre-2010 TNA).
Current WWE is proving that you can keep a wrestling company alive with finances alone, but they could get way better results with good creative

>They chanted that during THAT Abyss match even though Russo didn't have anything to do with that abomination
Cause it was just that match everyone was upset about and a culmination of the shitty things they have seen over the years. How bad is your autism?

Cornette is responsible for the only 3 draws in modern wrestling you fucking moron.

Without him, Brock would've been fired within 1 year on the main roster because he was trying to get away with being a dumbass in OVW.

zoomer post of the year right here

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I think if we got Russo, WolfpacTV and the SmarkBusters and myself to agree to make a constitution for a wrestling company it'll destroy both WWE and AEW

>in-laws basement

He has bought a new house like 3 times in the last 4 years, friend

Isn’t Cena also Cornette’s finding?

If Russo was writing now we would have fun gimmicks instead of "wildcard" meaning the same 10 people are on both shows all the time

>creating buzz
it's a nice theory you got there zoomer, but the fact of the matter is that the only buzz corny is ever creating is when he sits on a good ol shitter
you clearly didn't watch wrestling back then, so you might not know that every wrestler was leaving ROH back then (Aries for example) to go to TNA, FCW/NXT because of that fat fuck Cornette
CM Punk created more interest for ROH during his promo in 2011 than Corny ever did
Other former ROH talents like Bryan, Samoa Joe, Aries etc. did that as well

that's the thing, ROH was never about shitty storylines, something that Cornette tried to force with his retarded 80' mentality and stupid gimmicks
they got rid off him, everything went back to being normal and ROH stayed afloat.
there was a reason why Cornette took his 'hiatus' wrestilng, it's because everybody knew how big of a retard he was back in ROH and how hard it was to deal with him, nobody wanted that cancerous fag in his company for a long time.

How bad is your zoomerism? The retards where complaining about booking of that match and other angles for months and blaming it on Russo which again he had nothing to do,
they were led to believe that only Russo had power to make decisions backstage which wasn't true

I fear for MLW. That promotion is kino


McMahon threw out a lot of Russo's ideas for being retarded. The stuff you saw on television was the 1% of Russo's shit that wasn't TNA/WCW level. Don't work yourself into a simp.

>Russo killed WCW
So Russo, a writer, was responsible for WCW’s hiring practices, contract negotiations, funding, the ratings that were free-falling before he jumped from WWF to WCW, and the Time-Warner merger?
Get a clue you mark.

The only proof to your claim is Jim Cornette, who was Meltzer’s source for the claim. And as we know, Cornettey is a completely unbiased and reliable source... right?

>citation needed

If McMahon was the quality filter, why has the product been so shit for over 15 years?

Because there was no competition, he's grown more deranged over the years and let his daughter and Dunn shit up the whole place.

Everybody knows Vince is the actual head of creative since Russo left. Ergo, Vince Mcmahon is responsible for the worst storylines in the company’s history, including the custody battle for Rey’s son, the Lita/Kane fiasco, the dude who wanted to rape Michael Cole, and Katie Vick.

if the E ever gets desperate enough to hire him, i might actually start watching again just to watch the plane crash

Fuck off with this Jim Cornette bitter bullshit. If he was so fucking bad writer why was he even employed at the first place? There are even reports from 1999 that Vince sometimes didnt even read the scripts because he had so much trust in Russo.

Dude I was talking about Russo and a TV writer's power to lift up a product but never kill it, Cornette sucks and has always sucked creatively from day 1
But now that you mention him, even his shitty run is proof that only shit finances kill a wrestling company, Corny destroyed RoH in creative but because of the Sinclair deal they're still existing today

Someone post his Yea Forums shout out

The Rey/Eddie angle was good.

Literally all those except for Katie Vick are dimes ya simp.



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>Russo is shit and everyone in the business knows this.
Literally the only people who have problems with Russo are Cornette, the Young Cucks and Daniels/Kazarian to an extent, everyone else either doesn't have strong opinions about him or like/love/respect him like Austin, Rock, Foley, Michaels, Booker T, Hall, Nash (kwab), basically every ECW guy that worked for the WWF around his time, The Beautiful People, Stevie Ray, Madusa, etc.
>If he’s such a great writer why has he not worked for anyone else
He doesn't want to since he started the podcasting thing, and he's getting money from there. He even hosted a radio show once.

t. vince russo

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Don't you remember what happened when you tried to force everyone to like Nash?

You have to be sub 50 IQ to post here

Take a walk bro

This is the peak performance of anti Russo drones

t. vince russo again

he explained why though...

He had to work with Hulk Hogan at both places at 40 and 60 years old. Even still, he did better than most.

Vince Russo is a hack, if he was so good he would be doing actual Hollywood shit instead of talking on his shitty podcast and taking donations from aspie to make a “ding-dong diddly” video lmao

I don’t think it would be worse. I’m tired of eating white rice every Monday. Give me a fucking stir fry with a nugget of turd and I’ll be thankful for the surprise

vince russo is liked mainly by passive aggressive people who thrive on shitposting, like that fatfeels guy on /fgg/ or various other people in /fgg/ for that matter
they are the kind of people who need to get beat up irl

Ok Corny

Ya fume? Ya seethe? Brooooooo
