As a gay couple it's AEW for us. It's inclusive and safe

Join the movement

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I know everyone thinks this is a meme but genuinely AEW will die because of their "inclusivity" shit.


gay people are evil dont you know

It segregates the audience and considering wrestling is already a niche market turning away 30 - 60% of your potential audience through what they perceive as SJWisms is dumb.
Wrestling doesnt appeal to normies either so you wont grow a new fanbase

Y'all ugly

Well when your promotion is some kind of hardcore lefty political statement you have to cater to their whims or you risk completely alienating them.
Will you still be watching when Nyla Rose wins the world title, user?

>being inclusive
>hardcore lefty

Pick one.

imagine being a faggot but also ugly as fuck so you can only get smelly autistic neckbeards to have sex with

Every company is doing this right now, especially with Pride Month.

awwww cute couple! As a F2M looking to become a wrestler. I'm completely with you guys! it's great to have a LGBTQ promotion. Thank you Cody and the Young Bucks

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Wrestling was built on catering to minorities and not the masses though, hence ethnic babyface champions in every single territory. Tranny #215 is just a modern-day Bobo Brazil or Bruno Sammartino.

Not every company and pride month is for free positive publicity especially when you then go to saudi arabia.

WWE will start doing it as soon as they're back from Saudi.

holy based and insightful

Thats when it was small time and ran in local areas where the locals were mostly a certain minority do you think bruno would draw big in texas?

interracial fags

only autists care about that shit
normal people will give it a pass if the show is entertaining

Ok, then i'll pick hardcore lefty because it includes being inclusive.
Same does not go other way around, but we are talking about AEW.

Indian guy looks like a gormless faggot

What inclusivity shit is getting in the way so far? This is coming from a pretty anti-left guy, but at least from watching their events they didn't cram anything in my face. Unlike WWE with its WOMEN CAN MAIN EVENT AND GIMMICK MATCH TOO, which always ends up with total garbage.