Will you be watching tomorrow night?

Will you be watching tomorrow night?

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God NJPW fucking suck at marketing. Moxley having his first match since WWE should be hyped up way more than they have.

Why do i feel like jay white and tanahashi wrestled like 7 times already?

Will most likely start about 10am here.
Will watch if not hungover.

I don't watch anime

He’s a midcard shitter.

I'll watch the BOSJ finals but I've seen Tana/White enough and I don't care about Juice wrestling another sub-par talent.
>they should hype up a guy to a domestic audience that that domestic audience doesn't even fucking know
Lmao he's a jabroni

Give me the time and day eastern so i dont miss tana getting his win back

where do you watch this?

Their English social media has marketed Juice/Moxley way more than the actual tournament final match. I don't know what you're complaining about.

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I'm in Atlantic Canada so my time zone is 12 hours off.
My NJPW gimmick is to down a bunch of hard liqour, pass out, and then set an alarm to wake up at 6 am.
Then I enjoy the show, finish my liqour and then get another 4 hours of sleep.
It works every time.

100% fuck yes. I’m super hyped. Ordering pizzas, and getting high.

who japan world, 999yen

maybe :)

You’re retarded, you’re acting like Jon has never been to japan, wwe has been to japan at least once or twice irrc during jon’s Time in the wwe

Where the fuck are you getting pizzas at 530-like 9ish


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He's been working in America primarily and he never drew a dime there why the fuck do you think a country that saw him a scant few times can identify this dweeb?

Another shit Jay White match
Another mediocre Jewce match, not his fault this time for once though since he's against the e-drone
Fuckboy Ospreay being the one to end Shingo's streak
Sounds like a shitshow

Except your average NJPW fan is either a filthy fujoshi or a sterile fat guy with a gunt.

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>2:30 AM

There's a replay for this, right? I'm a wageslave. I can't watch this shit live

but its completely free :>)

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>CJ Parker vs. Dean Ambrose for the United States Championship
Is this an episode of Raw?

Yeah of course, I never watch live unless it's wrestle kingdom

>Shingo wins
>Hiromu appears
>happy celebration moment
>Shingo Pumping Bomber on Hiromu
>Suzuki-gun rush in
>"Suzuki-gun new mwmber...Shingo Takagi!"

I don’t watch it live, I’ll watch it the next day right after work. Bring home the disgustingly loaded pizzas on the way.

>There's a replay for this, right?
subscribe new japan world

Switchblade is the only one worth watching.

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now that meltzer's off the payroll, casual smarks have no idea this show is happening

Think you got that mixed up bro.

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based ace ding-dong diddly gonna go over cringeblade clean as a sheet

Implying that SANADA won't turn on LIJ as well and form a stable with Shingo

Feels good to be an Aussiechad

i had no idea this was happening. i'll try to watch but still might forget. it's three hours away.

28 hours away

Hirooki Goto is also not on the card at all. He will also join Shingo's unit, confirmed.

betrayal of someone in lij actually makes sense, as they could get RUSH for G1 and have a storyline reason for putting him in as a reinforcement for damaged lij


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First time watching a full New Japan show since WK. I'm excited.

If MOX is there, I'm there.

Lol learn time zones kiddo

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>Heavyweight wins the super junior tournament

And you guys complain about WWE's booking