How many people have you verbally sexually assaulted user?
How many people have you verbally sexually assaulted user?
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Based Velvet working the marks
>verbally assaults someone first
>muh womeme
whats good for the goose, bitch
I've seen his tweets, but what did he yell?
Being the loudest person in a crowd of 50 isn't hard
*comes out with her tits and anus hanging out*
>don't you dare verbally sexually assault me
holy fuck, can ROH just die already ?
probably two today
>loudest in a crowd of 10
Not that hard desu
Stupid sexy bitch can't handle the bants
BASED imagine all the comments about her ass BRAAAPS that dude said that night
Who cares? If he's that bad just toss him. Bringing him to the back to scare him is fucking retarded.
>ROH panicking and trying to create a SJW lynch mob to cover up for their triggered granny meme wrestlers
this almost always backfires
hang this ape
Based Pedo City Gamer
Is she aware of the things bubba has said to people in the past?
I'm surprised he's interested in anyone that old.
what the fuck did the guy even say other than you fucked Bully?
>expecting a woman to give a shit
Some fan pissed her off so she got her pussy whipped boyfriend to scare him. Don't look into it anymore than that.
Her shaking her ass into the camera for years was visual sexual assault.
Who's thisguy?
what is with retards and saying verbal assault is a thing? its called harassment (doesn't make it ok). assault is literally defined as a physical attack
>calls someone a pussy & virgin
>gets banter'd back
>"y-y-you cant do that, i'm a woman"
Fuck right off
He slut shamed them and tol Velvet he was going to stick his penis in her vagina in a non consensual way.
Doesn't this bitch shake her ass to extreme close-ups and let "the penguins loose!"???
These fucking women.... The irony
I agree, but what could be so bad?
Probably called her a whore or a skank or something along those lines. Maybe a cunt. It doesn't take much to get women riled up.
She's just on her period
Don't give her attention
He shamed her for sleeping with Bubba Ray
Here’s her boyfriend showing how to be respectful to woman
>Spend your entire career with your ass and tits hanging out, playing up your sexuality
>go to insults for guys is to call them virgins and mock them for wanting to fuck her
>gets called a whore
>H...HEY! D-don't SEXUALIZE ME!!!
>gets her fat boyfriend who booked her to yell at the fan for her
Fucking hell....women were a mistake.
RoH is garbage
There's plenty of awful things you could say but this story smells like bullshit. Bully Ray says he brought him backstage, and then AFTER THAT he learned that he said a bunch of lewd shit and he should've been ejected. So why bring him back stage in the first place then? Where the fuck is the line between "bring a guy backstage to intimidate him" and "throw him out."
>Fucking hell....women were a mistake.
Most female wrestlers understand this though. Vel is an exception, not the rule.
This, he should have been kicked out if it was becoming a legitimate problem. There's booing the heels and then there's making fans around you uncomfortable, too. Either way, inviting a fan to the back, even if it's just to bitch at him, is only going to encourage fans to do this shit so they can "meet their favorites".
This. I've heard FAR worse just going to my local shindy bingo hall and it's water off a ducks back, Velvet just got worked by a mark because she is a mark. It's hilarious her and Bully are trying to rile up an SJW brigade to defend her honor and NO-ONE'S biting. Nobody gives a rat's ass about ROH and only the worst kind of virtue signalers (like pedo city above) will even pretend like they give a fuck.
Expect nothing less from an Izzie stalker
PepeLaugh :RightPointingFinger: :ChartWithDownwardsTrend:
Disgusting. Potential rapist like these should be put to death
Indy wrestling... not even once.
Velvet has heard it all by now, so whatever the guy said must have been some very nasty things.
Holy shit. Say what you want about Steph, but she's carny as fuck and has had tons of vile shit said to her face on live television and never complained like this.
get in a different business if you can't take people yelling mean shit at you
now I know why people say the marks are in the ring
>I can take the heat
>except when it's too hot
I like Velvet Sky but she should just go be a housewife at this point
watch out, Bully Ray might call you into the principal's office if you keep talking that way
nice cope
This epitomizes everything I hate about 90% of modern wrestling fans
She should be ashamed tho kek
She said to him "durr ur a virgin"
The dude shot back "well you have sex with that fat turd Bully Ray!"
She got completely destroyed and embarrassed and went nuclear on the guy as a result.
Truth dubs
For example, calling a woman a $5 an hour whore. That's uncalled for. Who would utter such words?
fuck i hate wrasslin.
I know right, at least say 25 dollars.
how do you verbally sexually abuse someone? do you scream at their ass?
you say this now, but taking inflation into account it wasn't all that bad of an insult
how did it even happen? what was the spark thta caused this shit in wrestling fandom? i've never been able to place it. how did they latch on to the the most vile, degenerate industry imaginable?
this is the price of trying to reach "mainstream" and "casuals"
My theory is that SJWs always want something to complain about or something they can turn into virtue signalling. Pro wrestling, being pretty much inherently non-PC to some extent, gives them a constant stream of things to whine about.
So it’s just that casuals and people outside of wrestling ALL act like this? I get where you’re coming from but I think what user was getting at was when and why did these faggots decide they were going to invest so much into pure carny scumbag high test degeneracy and twist it to fit their own bullshit?
take me back
yeah like usually they hate and want to boycott shit like wrasslin they never really infiltrate. like gun culture or whatever. video games was kind of a neutral battleground at least but it'sjust bizarre that they chose this of all things.
She is ashamed, that's why she reacted the way she did and lost her cool and had to get back at him.
someone tweet this to her
what a retarded skank
I just finished a story about verbal assault
Fuck, youre right
>Naito gets roasted by beaners about his slant eyes and he turns it into his signature taunt that's referenced on all this merch
>Velvet gets told she's fucking someone she is actually fucking and it's like rape
Jesus christ
>exposes the business in you're path
>pedo desperately trying to whiteknight and seem like a good person to cover up how much of a degenerate he is
>"verbal sexual assault"
That's a thing??
>verbal sexual assault
Yeah I'm now convinced this whole incident is a work to get people talking about RoH. No-one can be that retarded.
aw comon I worked really hard on it...
Holy shit is this what wrestling has become?
A bunch of self marks in the ring who get worked by the crowd. I would understand taking the fan to the back and talking to him if he was as annoying as the "SUPER DRAGON!" fan, but the guy was basically responding to a heel being a heel. Back in the day people would call HBK a fucking faggot with signs and shit, they would throw trash and even try to attack wrestlers and wrestlers would keep kayfabe to the end. But now women like Velvet and guys like Cawdy and Bubba want the fans to pay for a ticket and to just boo or cheer without any swear words. A bunch of faggots I'll tell what.
Wrestling is fucking finished t b h
If it's a work then is the dumbest worm since that time Goldberg didn't follow the script.
Fans won't want to go to their shows if they're going to be chastised for using "bad" words against heels.
>women being oversensitive cunts
What a shock
my god....why
what happened to this business
It's all so fucking ONIONS.
the snowflakes are in the ring bro
>FOH with that mess
why do these alpha wrestlers let their wives be thots
>Bully Ray