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Based lmao FUCK WWE

rent free

Alright I'm starting to think these fucks are working with each other.


the lack of inspirational leadership in WWE says wonders because every day someone wants to quit or being extremely passive aggressive, what a shit work environment

BRO I’ve been saying it since DAY ONE these marks just can’t see it but if you’ve actually been in the wrestling business you know a work when you see one!!!!

Its literally nothing but good for AEW. If they can even get a glance in their direction its a win.

Sasha works there simpy, Jericho posted this in response to guys working in WWE that can't publicly speak out


>Sasha works there

She doesn’t want to

Lack of inspirational leadership nothing. It's a trainwreck.
Like I'd be here all day if I listed dumb booking decisions, bad skits, and Vince pettiness or what comes off as Vince pettiness.
Like do I need to even mention NXT call ups in the last 2-3 years? Do I need to bring up 'Bailey this is your Life' Old Day, Lashley's 'sisters', Kurt's ride with the company, the reboots and wild cards?
Not to mention the John Oliver shit probably made some employees realize 'Wait why are we working 4-5 shows a week but with no health insurance and being called independent contractors?'
While also going to a political hotspot of a country that goes against a lot of their US sponsors and their whole 'women evolution' shit they keep pushing.
There's just so much shit piling onto WWE that it's eventually going to break

What a whiny whore. I hope WWE freezes her contract indefinitely.

Why is Jericho openly anti-WWE now?

He's a bitter exgf

i hate her so much,not even a wwe drone i just hate her dumb botchy ass

the indies can have her NOT AEW PLEASE!!


Unironically worked

Ya seethe?

sasha's fucking gone

thats the point retard

What is the pooper scooper thing? I missed that.

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>liked by Sasha Banks

Lmao she's doing whatever she can to be fired

from the Jericho/Moxley podcast, fka Dean was talking about dreading cutting a promo that had the words 'pooper scooper' cause it sounds fucking retarded and it was a bureaucratic nightmare trying to get Vince to remove it

They're not but let's say they were. What reason would Vince have to undermine the WWE brand with stuff like this and making fun of HHH etc? It makes no sense. I mean nothing Vince does nowadays makes sense but still.

Funny that Sasha liked the post though. She wants out asap

I know Jericho's trying to be in permanent work mode and all but this "constantly name-dropping WWE" gimmick is fucking boring.

What's so hard to say "you're full of shit" instead of kindergarten-tier insult? Saying "shit" once won't turn your show into TV-MA.

Not enough bros.

They need Sasha last match to be a Barnyard Brawl. Have the iconics talk to a house that looks like Banks in vignettes


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>going to a political hotspot of a country that goes against a lot of their US sponsors
sorry but those same sponsors are also saudicucks and do business with them, a lot of companies do and yes it sucks, but everything else ya said is correct

>openly anti-WWE
he's practically just started his own company, its business

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>"constantly name-dropping WWE"
tell that to the fans who can't just watch other companies and at least try and ignore the big shitty McDonalds sign

problem being wwe knows this and will do everything BUT fire her



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Why is Chris Jericho bad mouthing the company that made him a star?

Vince is brain damaged manchild
Pooper scooper is much funnier to his broken damaged arrested development inner child.


>Bailey this is your Life' Old Day, Lashley's 'sisters',
Worst segments of 2017, 2016 and 2018 respectively

He's a carny and knows that he'll get over the biggest by working the anti-WWE gimmick.