newfags won’t even get this
ISHYGDDT and Costanza drew legit main event-level dimes
t. Newfag
Costanza and Kornheiser are the best memes Yea Forums has given the world.
I'm assuming that the old daily ATH/PTI watch threads don't exist anymore and that is a damn shame. Generals destroyed that place.
Holy shit, I posted an Implying Naito an hour ago and it gets shopped and turned into its own thread.
shiggy diggy doo
yeah I was gonna just post it as a reply but then realized nobody would see it so i made it its own thread sory to bury ya ull make it kid keep curtain jerkin
Nah it’s fine my dude. I went to jack off to pirated videos of Hidori Rose anyways.
Double Naito is always appreciated.
>exposing the business