AEW shill Meltzer defends his actions

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>unless they turn the show to PWG you would bash
>ummmm uhhh actually i praise ummm every takeover AKA PWG Lite event

He overrates WWE constantly, drone.

It's kinda hard to stick by Meltzer when the shilling has been this blatant. He should tone it down a little bit. For his dwindling credibility's sake.

Wait, someone actually thought Raw wasn't shit last night?

>replying to someone who can't even spell

Kek @ this autistic manlet jew

He literally gives WWE a bonus star just for being WWE.

He rated Rollins-Styles from last weeks 4.5.

E-drones have no self respect so they willing watch Raw and try to convince themselves they like it.

If you look back at old PWG shows, they are almost exclusively 205 and nxt talent, check out the Jushin Thunder Liger spot

Dave praised AEW's TV deal, which is basically the same kind of deal that the XFL got. However he wrote about how XFL is risking major embarrassment if they fail because they got such high exposure with their TV deal, but AEW with less exposure was nothing but positive sentiment. While not being anti-WWE it does show a bias in writing one as a positive while viewing the other, which is largely the same, in a negative light.

Reminder that Dave overrates WWE to a comical degree. He gave Seth v AJ the same rating as Sho v Shingo, which was at least twice as good.

What? It's not the same kind of deal.

Why doesn't he at least try to hide the fact that he's a shill
Sho/Shingo was overrated, Kofi/Bryan makes that shit look like trash. Aquire taste, Seek Sunlight, Hit the weights, take a shower, Gain height, and get a clue.

It's almost as if people have different tastes.

This is Dave Meltzer not on AEW's payroll. He literally spent 80% of his time on twitter defending and putting over AEW and their talents while talking shit about WWE.

He and Bryan said DoN did tremendous PPV buys, more buys than anyone thought possible but there is no way anyone can get the real PPV buys number unless AEW released it but they won't because reasons...

Neither one is getting paid a rights fee, but both are having production paid for by their TV partners. XFL has far better exposure, however, since they are on multiple top broadcast networks and the top sports cable channels.

>Implying you can't rate both matches equally on their own merits

Seth vs AJ was yet another Seth Rollins special of doing every Japanese wrestlers moveset completely out of context just to do them.


why does dave always respond to trolls he's a really sensitive guy.

>ellipses poster
He knows people in the cable industry.

but dave treats his writings and words like fact than opinion

Sure he does.

Dave and Bryan are literally desperate for WWE to be good because it would be good for their own newsletter and radio shows. Its in their financial interest to be E-shills, but they aren't.

they need wwe more than wwe needs them

>"Dave hates WWE!"
>*Observer gives shit tier women's triple threat Mania main event 3.5 stars in your path when it deserved 1.5 stars at best*
what did they mean by this?

got nothing to do with cable industry because the PPVs was sold by multiple companies and a streaming site.

>Dave: WWE is getting blood money to promote KSA
>Also Dave: why won't WWE mention KSA when they promote Super Showdown?
what did Dave mean by this?

He was asked this question during his Starrcast Q&A and he said he loves to take these tweets as an opportunity to enlighten as much people as possible, or something like that.

dave acting as if his work is a gift from god is really annoying
i dont get how you would genuinely want to be friends with someone like that

This is why they push AEW as hard as possible though. The idea of a smark catering company being cool and popular is a massive windfall for them.

Meltzer defends WWE garbage all the time when Alvarez shits all over Raw on WOR.

I've been a journalist for 10 years. Dave Meltzer isn't a great journalist; he's just one of very few people that have professional wrestling as a beat.

Alvarez shits all over RAW because he got none of his scoops right and he got butt hurt because WWE didn't do any of his fantasy bookings. That motherfucker got upset because WWE didn't do a mask vs hair between mysterio and andrade at WM despite it has never been the direction.

XFL has a terrible name with a shitty reputation behind it, it's already going to be an uphill battle considering how quickly AAFL folded and how everyone is way past the kneeling controversy that kicked off this project.

Meanwhile AEW is battling for a vacant spot in a far smaller market.

Meltzer also goes out of his way to bash WWE for not using Flipochet as a top guy and blames it on his size despite them pushing short guys since Benoit and Guerrero.

Quick,name a "smark darling" from the US that didn't have a run in PWG

The influence of Meltzer's tastes on wrestling fans is absurd at the moment. I haven't even got a problem with the high energy flip style, but that's not all wrestling needs to be

But aew isnt catering to the smark.....its for lapsed fans...

Wtf? The Japanese wrestlers didn't invent them, anyone can use them. Fuck off japfag, why are so much of your genre out in force?!

This! That's why people take them as such.he is a faggot

AEW are actually getting a cut of advertising revenue and they aren't spending 300m a year.

Shut the hell up Seth, you don’t have to throw Kawada kicks into the match just to have them.

Literally the reason he was laughed at in NOAH and berated by commentators when he faced Misawa.

no........ they're not................
it's catering......... to modern........ internet fans......... that think....... they're smart...........

And by he I mean Samoa Joe


He does call out the good wwe matches and segments when they happen. I am not sure what the problem is, should all wrestling be given the same grade? Is metlzer's bias against wwe or towards good wrestling?


>Talked shit on one of the NXT:UK talents (mind you this person was getting a megapush) was pulled from an inter promotional match they were booked to lose
>PAC has to bitch out of DoN because Page was booked to go over and he's all damage control

I like Ricochet and think he is a great athlete and wrestler but my dude can't cut a promo and his backstage interviews suck donkey balls, these things are kinda important in WWE. And spoiler, it's not because of WWE overly scripting him, my dude just isn't a very good talker.

I want to watch him wrestle though. I don't want to see him talk. When he is on my TV wrestling I am inclined to look at it. None of these people cutting promos are Stone Cold or The Rock. I would much rather see some fucking wrestling for fucks sake. Why is it so hard for these stupid pricks to understand? If someone is a great talker cool, let him cut a promo, then let's see him wrestle! I don't want to watch Brock Lesnar dance. I don't want to watch Paul Heyman blow sunshine up his ass. I want to see that cocksucker wrestle!

Listen I get what you are saying and I agree with most of it. Let people do more of what they do best. If they are good at wrestling then focus on their wrestling and if they are good at talking then focus on their talking.
Unfortunately in WWE nowadays, people who are good at talking is placed higher up and pushed more than people who are only good at wrestling. The problem is Vince like to push the people he liked regardless whether they are good at talking or wrestling, so people who are only good at wrestling are bottom of the barrel in term of push. Vince thinks it's a TV show, wrestling is a small part of the show. Last RAW. the first 45 mins was literally a talking segment and Shane can't talk for shit.

Can't believe this was the guy that went after Bob Ryder for his WCW support when he was still running 1wrestlingdotcom and now he's pulling the same shit.

Fuck Meltzer

>things that never happened
Do people still actually believe this 2000s boomer meme? It's like an urban legend now.

Nice false flagging edrone

WWE is still the biggest game in town and is secure for at least the next 5 years, AEW is unproven and untested. Both had noted that when business is better they make more money, and that means WWE doing huge business is in their best interest.

This is fair.

Alvarez had a great idea tho, it would of made for a match stip that people would get to sink their teeth into. After their brief run of hype matches, it just stopped and Andrade was left to the ArMBaR. It was a waste of a good opportunity, I get why Alvarez would be disappointed.

If anything GCW has supplanted PWG with their events showcasing new Indy talent and booking legends to dream matches.

>grades E shit on a curve
>still not good enough

> Calls Meltz a shill
> Meltz is a WWE Apologist

The state of OPetty

Its entirely accurate to say WWE is a cold product. All of the business is down except TV rights fees.
Its also entirely accurate to say AEW is a hot product. They are doing the biggest non-WWE shows in decades
Meltzer is just calling a spade a spade. The shills are the wriers and fans who grew up in the monopoly era and analyse WWE decisions as if it wasn't a mess of a promotion booked on the fly.

They'll never admit it because Meltzer is the smark Boogeyman to them.

It was hilarious listening to Meltz pretend DoN wasn't anything but a shit show. It gives me a good laugh that all the redditors on Yea Forums treat Meltz with respect, when he's just a AllPajeet shill

How was it anything but an objective success? You didn't like the wrestling, whatever, it more than likely did a good number of ppv buys and of course it sold out immediately. The mental gymnastics here is next level.

Based Meltz working the Drones into another seething SHOOT

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67k is not a great buyrate

>same deal that XFL got
Hey Dave!

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I watched it for free. But I would have paid for everything from Cody onwards. Can’t be funding Gook shit though, ditch the Joshi’s and I might be on board. Don’t want to be funding pedo bait.