Jim Johnston is unironically the one WWE guy AEW should hire
Jim Johnston is unironically the one WWE guy AEW should hire
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Why is this dude so heralded, what songs did he make
doesn't really matter because you cant hear the entrance music in AEW anyway because they're appeasing autists that shit their pants due to loud music.
They need to bring him in + a young prodigy to work under him so we don’t just get boomer rock themes
I thought they would.
The guy has made basically every iconic theme song the past 30 years. Why the fuck wouldn't they hire him?
Yeah the one thing I didn't like at DoN was the music.
Almost everyone in wwe the past 3 decades.
His last theme before they fired him was Corbin's theme, which is pretty based.
Austin, Rock, wrote HHH's and Motorhead played them, Undertaker, Kane etc...
All the good ones, basically.
Most of the themes fucking sucked.
That's the ONE thing you didn't like?
the current aew music is ass so please
Every important theme that ever came out of WWF/E
True. It all felt bland anime shit, the only recognisable was Jericho's and it was his so.
he made Corbins based end of days theme before they canned him.
Based drone running out of cope
I feel like this was supposed to be bait but the stars aligned and Yea Forums didn't deep throat it and ask for more per usual
is that you, cannonball johnson?
Would be massive poetic justice if AEW gets Johnston kino while WWE has to make do with endless CFO$ trash, because WWE completely fucked JJ over when they pushed him out
okay, the gay nigger spot on dreamer was bad too
That's from an NXT show. The AEW crowd looked full of chads to me.
and some lyrics would also be nice
That shit was hilarious.
It's the line to their AEW announcement ceremony thing
betha tayaar boti boti noch khawan
Just go back already.
Yeah they need him. The themes at DoN were generic af
Who says they didn’t already
Jimmy Hart
t. boomer
>he wants CFO$ trap and dubstep loops
They need a guy like him so bad. The music for DON except for the exception of Jericho, Hangman Page, Cody and maybe SCU was the music.
>he thinks music is only 3 genres
He done Lesnar's too.
It really pisses me off they actually made tiny changes to Lesnar's theme in 2012 to make it more PG. Compare them if you don't believe me.
I was just saying this as I was watching double down. Would be a total game changer
It’s called innovation, wrestling needs it
I compared them a little while back and I legit can't notice a difference. Can you point them out to me?
This. Fuckin gay. Can't have badass loud entrances cause retards, can't have faggot heat because of sjw's.
Aew WILL go broke because they are, in fact woke. Screencap this.
Who could ever fucking argue this.
Literally get a clue
Very much agree. The entrances at Double or Nothing were lacking
CFO$ can only make those two genres though. It's sad
I said prodigy, not some generic trap/wubwub-making jabronies
pretty good