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Serious question Yea Forums. Was the TNA name really that bad that they should have changed it? Were marketers really thinking of the other TNA and going no way? I find this hard to believe. Its not like degenerate slang like that should have a monopoly on those three letters used together.

Impact is now geriatric ecw. Fucking state of them. They were going good but now they have dreamer rvd and sabu shitting up the place. Is this 2006?


I don't care because the company got steadily better as soon as they dropped it.

Except they were way better when they still used the letters and fans loved chanting TNA because the product was actually good and gaining momentum until Dixie then fucked it all up and let Hogan and Bitchoff basically do anything they want.

>Was the TNA name really that bad that they should have changed it?
yes, it should have never been the name in the first place and it is degenerate slang to people who never heard of TNA wrestling (which is most people because it was a failure)
on top of that, the previous decade plus shit show necessitated a name change because the brand was tainted, so is the name "Impact" frankly but the people running it are content to be also rans who will never amount to anything significant beyond shown on Twitch or PopTV

Um they aren't on Pop no more...

Also if you google TNA you get this company and not the other thing. At least on the first page.

>Um they aren't on Pop no more...
no shit which is why I said Twitch
>Also if you google TNA you get this company and not the other thing. At least on the first page.
I'm not sure how old you are, but TNA in the 90s and 2000s was ONLY associated with "tits and ass". It's not hard to understand why this might be a shitty name for a company that, at one time at least, tried to be somewhat about wrestling.

meant to say "early 2000s". Regardless, if you think it's not a bad name for a wrestling company take off your nostalgia glasses and think about it reasonably for a minute.

Literally a Canadian twitch fed. Pathetic

Impact is unironically based and it delights me that people seethe about it for whatever reason.

Is it on TNT? USA? FOX?

I watch every week. People shit on it but I honestly don't know why. I haven't watched WWE in years and I don't miss it


Some redneck fishing channel that is already owned by the company investors

>People shit on it but I honestly don't know why.
I think Impact is fine but the fans (as little as they are) try to put over every single match as the second coming of Christ. It's also really obnoxious to watch and hear Matthews repeat "THIS IS SOME OF THE BEST WRESTLING EVER!" after every big spot.
Also, they lost Eli Drake and Killer Kross, basically the only good promos on the roster.

tna is trash

Killer Kross is still in impact, the release request was fake news for some reason.

Anyway Impact is a pretty good wrestling show these days. Don't really get the hate

Hogan and Bischoff weren't even the worst years for TNA

lol it was not even scarlet want out. Every big wrestling new site reported it.

I agree mate. I dont know who wants to see those guys in 2019

are they on WWE Network or New Japan World?

they are nowhere to be found

They brought in Dreamer, RVD Sabu to work in one spot on the card for the nostalgia pops.

They also have LAX, Moose, The North, Cage, Impact, Blanchard, Grace, Kross, Edwards, Xavier, Callihan, Bahh, there's loads of talent there right now.

My only criticism is that they need to partner with a Japanese fed+ joshi one. The partnership with AA has been great, but now that Penta and Fenix are likely leaving, they need to replace them

Well both of them are still there. Even if they lost them it would be ok,Impact knows how to use their talent effectively and has been building stars forever,even if Vince or whoever buys them up and ruins them.

it's still referred to as TNA so no they shouldn't have changed it, it had better name recognition

They were partnered with NOAH for a while, i don't know what happened to that.

Lucha bros are going to be hard to replace, the only current AAA guy that can match Fenix is maybe Vikingo

impqct is trash pal and no one watches them. 5k people on twitch is baaad. If a free show get only 5k I dont know why any tv network would even consider taking them

I miss it so much. Loved the tube entrance ramp and six sided ring. TNA had such a great look to it.

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If a show produces great wrestling and interesting stories I honestly don't care how many simps watch it. You plebs get to see the leftovers of their talent anyway once Vice gets a hold of them and neuters their soul.

but Impact are none of these things you mentioned. what great wrestling? what interesting stories? Disco Inferno winning a women battle royale before getting squashed by Tessa as his comeuppance? WOW amazing story line with great wrestling.
Go back to DiscussPW, you absolute retard.

impact is trash and the ratings prove ir. If it was any good people would watch it. Its FREE on the internet and no one cares. Why is that? Maybe, just maybe cos the show is not good.

That name is so fucking dumb
Like wtf does it mean to call your company Impact?!

T. doesn't even watch Impact. If you did you would realize the Disco angle is great, he gets to say everything that redpilled smarks have been saying forever, something WWE would never even allow. So what if the payoff is Tessa beating him, Tessa is a boss and legitimately one of the best on the planet. It's a weekday and getting late, you kids should go to bed you have school in the morning.

I was watching a lot of TNA during the tail end of The Beatdown Clan, and Lashley reigning supreme, alongside EC3. It was a cool time to be into it.

Killer Kross doesn't really catch me yet, maybe if I see more. Seems like WWE squeezed out a lot of their talent.

I don't doubt you think Impact is great because it appeals to the most retarded of wrestling fans out there. If Impact was any good, people would be talking and watching the show but they aren't. I'm surprise you are allowed to use the internet at the nursing home, grand pa.

Simpact is such overrated garbage

Kross is great tho I'm not a fan of his finisher, but the guy oozes heel charisma and is a great promo. Ace Austin is a star in the making he just needs to embrace his heel side fully. Jordynne Grace and Tessa Blanchard are ridiculously good for womens wrestling. Fallah Bah is my favorite fat guy and he can really carry anyone into a good match. Theres lots of others but those 4 are big reasons why I watch the show.

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