You could have asked me anything

>you could have asked me anything
>you could have asked me about Kaiju Big Battel

Attached: you could have asked me anything.png (691x387, 311K)

>No one asked if El Generico was okay

>You could've asked me about Blackcraft wrestling: NO APOLOGIES.

this faggot is so mad that he has a 3 year contract with WWE. Another 3 years in a toxic environment where he probably hates going to work and fans chanting AEW at his face.

>not asking about based yuka

why even bother

>you could have asked me anything
>you could have asked me about Ring Ka King!

Attached: 1559023055196.png (691x387, 197K)

Hope he leaves when his contract is up and doesn't sign a mark contract like his buddy.

RKK is big rupees, a loooot of people are sleeping on that India money

>you could have asked me about The Invisible Man Presents W.O.M.B.A.T.

>you could have asked me anything
>you could have asked me about Wrestling Society X
>crowd: Ooohh!

Attached: 1559023055196.png (691x387, 98K)

>you could have asked me anything
>you could have asked me about the FBI crime statistics

Attached: dc30641984db0fe44d2af9523bbbf59e_crop_north.jpg (800x533, 33K)

>you could have asked me anything
>you could have asked me about Big Japan

I don't know the conditions to terminate contracts prematurely in WWE, but I wouldn't be surprised to see AEW taking charge of the economic penalties of them in order to get the services of the wrestlers easy and quickly

I've said it for years, even when that faggot was posting "career-ending injury" memes about Zayn, he's always been fucking based

>you could have asked me anything
>you could have asked me about Kevin Nash and the summer of 1992

This gimmick is cringe incarnate.


Attached: fan.png (1064x588, 1.35M)

>wearing Ecko in 2019
Is this the power of the Edrone?

>you could of asked me anything
>you could of asked me about (((them)))

Attached: 1526950568015.png (480x700, 455K)

>caring about what people wear
Based faggot

>you could have asked me anything
>you could have asked me about ding-dong diddly Macho Man doin' the ding-dong diddly on ding-dong diddly lil Stephy!

Attached: kbb.png (188x317, 116K)

>You could have asked me anything
>You could have asked me about Bane


RKK died 7 years ago, dumbass


Go back

> you could have asked me anything
> you could have asked me if I think Benoit belongs in the Hall of Fame

Based and KWABpilled.

>you could have asked me anything
>you could have asked me about the world trade center

Attached: Screen-Shot-2019-05-27-at-9.34.49-PM-900x480.png (900x480, 123K)

fucked up thing is if he were to answer no, the saudis would probably let him in their country

they hate jews way more than they hate persians


>you could have asked me anything
>you could have asked me about Ted Cruz!

Attached: download.jpg (185x272, 8K)

>you could have asked me about the name of Kevin Nash's rapist!

>Sami, my question is do you think Benoit put his son the crippler submission hold before murdering him?