Cody will go down in history as one of the most important and influential wrestlers of all time

Cody will go down in history as one of the most important and influential wrestlers of all time.

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I don't understand how he's important or influential for riding Kenny Omega's coattails but okay.

becouse Omega and the bucks would have never launched AEW without him, they migth have gone to wwe this year lol

For helping Vince kill wrestling?

>he's important and influential because he found a money mark
Guess jeff jarret is the fucking goat.

Kenny was on a fast track to being another WWE midcarder who ends up forgotten other than an occasional "what the fuck went wrong?" before Cody showed up

youre goddamn right he is

And making 5mil+(reports said near 9 btw) for doing so. Money and miles. All the talk about mark contracts and you're arguing exactly for that.

Ok Brandi.

>Kenny was on a fast track to being another WWE midcarder who ends up forgotten

But he wasn't in WWE.

no way in hell was he offered 5-9mil/year

I said this and got flamed the whole thread, now people get it

Cody is the Steve Jobs. Others do their parts better than him, but they don’t have the vision to put the pieces together.

This. If it weren't for Cody, the Elite and AEW would be nothing but weaboo bullshit

>the Elite and AEW would be nothing but weaboo bullshit
So it'd still be watchable and Kenny would still be in the best company?
Sounds ding-dong diddly basef to me

>weaboo bullshit

Not really. What station did TNA wind up on again??

ya seethe bitch lmfaooooooo

He stole my ideas

Cody was the guy who broke the wall and proved to people like Jericho and Ambrose that ltheir was life outside of WWE, you could make more money doing it, have more fun and have better career satisfaction. Without him going and telling the whole world how shit WWE, none of this is happening.

Spike? one of the hottest on tv at the time? Or you playing the revisionist angle now.

>Without him going and telling the whole world how shit WWE
Everyone already knew that though

Yeah, but they thought it was shit they had to eat because there was nothing else on the menu.

>people acting like Cody is a visionary or genius

He’s literally riding on the wrestling talent of Omega, and the legacy of his last name, I.e. his daddy.

Khan is doing the exact same thing, which is why it worked out. Cody is not special or important himself.


>He’s literally riding on the wrestling talent of [star of a territory], and the legacy of his last name, I.e. his daddy.

Funny, how that applies more to Vince than Cody

He just pretended to fight a man that came from the same ballsack as him and who is best known for kissing other men in face paint in front of thousands of eight year olds, have some respect.

What started out as man leaving WWE of his own will (unheard of at the time) because he was tired of the system, and wanted something different, snowballed to where we are today. He approached the indie scene with a humble attitude but had incredible ambition. He's no doubt looked at as a hero to all the talent in WWE right now.

He's already a legend.

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>Cody will go down in history as one of the most important and influential wrestlers of all time.
>influences his fans to shit themselves and sit in it

Yeah like Jeff Jarrett