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Based Bobbos turn

the four most boring guys in the company. it's like they want me to never watch

it's like they're trying to convince people to switch to AEW

Bobbo and Brauno are already facing eachother
It's antidraw Corbin's turn

jesus christ

Corbin is an underrated talent. Go fuck yourselves.

>the deepest roster a wrestling promotion has ever had
>they choose corbin

nobody to blame but themselves

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This is the hill you choose to die on?

He actually tries to improve with what's he's given. If you watch his matches you would see that.

As long as Based Big Bully Corbin or our fren Bobbo, then all is right with the world

I don't even watch WWE lmao.

lol e-drones

It's bullshit.
There's no excusing it.

Corbin is good. What's wrong with him, not enough flips?

>Braun wins
>Braun wins the title in Saudi
>Brock cashes in

He's a fucking vanilla midget with 20 cm more than the others. Isnt't boomers main complaint that wrestling should be about larger than life bulked up roided monsters?

He cold beat the fuck out of anyone in a shoot fight on the roster except for about 3 other guys.

Yeah, but wrestling's a work baby. Doesn't change the fact he's a fucking shitter.

He really isn't shit. Not his fault Vince only lets him do the same moves and routine every match.

Braun already has a match in Saudi

>Card subject to change.

fatal 4 way? more like
FARTal 4 way

Fucking based WWE getting a clue. These look like main eventers. Not Styles, Kofi, Rollins, Ricochet, Balor etc. smark darlings. Fucking based WWE

that's Baron Corbin on the right, buddy...

I unironically think Corbin is underrated


I cant miss him if he never fucking leaves the screen.

Nigga still needs to hit the weights and ditch the dress up gimmick
two shows a year vs 300

WWE is is not based

>Seth's wrestled these guys at least 4 times each

somehow miz will win

>deep roster
Nothing but shitters