Don't let this AEW thing distract you from the fact Kevin Nash was raped in the summer of '92.
Don't let this AEW thing distract you from the fact Kevin Nash was raped in the summer of '92
kek what a bitch
Based and Factpilled.
Almost went 1 full day without seeing a 92 post. Thanks for the reminder.
something friend and foe in the wrestling wars can agree on
>got his ass kicked by Road Warrior Hawk
>aging, depressed, HGH injecting, vanilla midget, mid-card superstar
>fell off the wagon
>dishonourably released from the WWE in November 2001 for being a drug addict fuck up
>panic attacks, low self confidence
>drew pesos... too bad pesos aren’t worth a dime
>couldn't draw as WWE Champion
>couldn't handle that responsibility of being WWE Champion
>lowest drawing WWE Champion of ALL TIME
>posthumously overrated
>after Deadie passed away, because he didn't pay his taxes, it lead to Vickie and her kids, nearly losing thier home, so WWE hired her and flew her coach class forcing us to witness her obesity, ugliness and horrible acting on TV for years
>we were also forced to endure years of tasteless horrible Eddie storylines with Mysterio, Chavo, Benoit, Vickie
>She got poor Amy Zidian, who was playing the part of Jimmy Yang's girlfriend fired after she asked Vickie Cuckuererro why she was a diva and made a comment about her looks. Vickie responded by saying that as she wasn't pretty enough she better get out of "your" locker room. Zidian honestly didn't have a clue who Vickie was and had no idea why she was on the roster.
>he failed to raise his kids because he died young
>his daughter grew up to be a bulimic because of having no father figure in her life
>consequently his daughter FAILED at having a wrestling career due to having no guidance from her father
>jobber Aiden English married his daughter and fittingly carries on the Cuckuerrero legacy
Jannetty meme.
Wolfcuck BTFO
>Never the Meme
>Always used as a butthurt deflection
>inb4 wolfcringe, the black manlet, defends his imaginary step-father for 72 hours straight
>injures himself dislocating and damaging ligaments in his right elbow in his debut match
>Guerrero did the frog splash on Gunn, blew out his elbow and basically told Road Dogg to pin him
>takes them 15 minutes to get him out of the ring
couldn't even finish the match, kek what a dead bitch
>getting your attitude checked is the same by being raped repeatedly by every black cock in a 10 block radius on a hot, balmy, steamy summer night in 1992.
>stopped watching wrestling over 15 years ago
>visit /wwe/ occasionally to discuss old wrestling and check in on new shit mostly to make fun of it
>/wwe/ gets moved here
>becomes the worst board on Yea Forums
>try to come back and read on AEW shit to see if I should watch
>still making the same unfunny jokes
This board is teenage garbage and really serves no purpose other than to keep all you faggots in one place.
Nash 92 went mainstream like a couple days before AEW the perfect storm to kill this meme dead.
>visit /wwe/ occasionally
I can only imagine what other websites you browse the rest of the time. Go back there.
>wolfcuc is paying off the mods now
But of course an influx of woootists for a Cody and Omega PPV would be what destroys the board's greatest achievement. Who ever said otherwise?
This dumb meme brought reddit here. Kys homo
>so new he doesn't know what /wwe/ is
It's about time. Fuck off with your tired horseshit. It was never funny to begin with.
So you're not just a redditor but illiterate. Look at the adjective: occasionally.
Already proven fake, COPE
It was hilarious. The biggest meme in Yea Forums history
kek what a dead bitch
So deadie cuckuerro then?
How is it forved when it's on the news?
I thought Wrestlemania was the end of the meme, then Nash was quoted on national newspapers denying he got fucked up the ass. Me think the lady doth protest too much.
this meme died, user. let it go.
>national news
hi kevin
Beko is ugly as sin.