Is she natty?

Is she natty?

Attached: katu91d9kt031.jpg (736x1946, 126K)

yes, I know for certain because I've seen hundreds of boobs

she looks like she ____ _____ ____.

hits the weights

fucks nig gers

fucks black guys

was a man

got a clue

She looks fucking delicious and that pussy looks like it’s begging to just be blown the Fuck out like a sock being turned inside-out.

Has she lost wheight? She used to be even more jacked

has a dick

Is a lezbo

Was. Tits are fake because no way a bodybuilder will have tits like those. Also she ruined herself with those leg tats.

sucked a lot of dicks

She looks like she has a puffy pussy like riley reid

was born male

Based retarded user

What a retarded fucking tattoo hahahaha

No, that's Rhea.

Based Rhea Brapley

What a disgusting whore


has smelly braps.

That is the most masculine bone structure that I have ever seen on a woman. She must have a pair of grapefruit sized undescended testicles.

Idk but would let dominate