WWE BEGGING people to watch RAW tonight

"AEW might have changed things up in a very big way for WWE already. Because they are trying their best remind fans that they still have a live show on the USA Network tonight.

McMahon might be worried because WWE is now instituting mass emails to make sure that fans know what is going to be on RAW tonight. This is something they don’t normally do for their weekly television shows.

Brock Lesnar and Becky Lynch were heavily featured in an email that the company sent out around 3:30 PM on Monday.

WWE usually sends emails out for WWE Shop deals, WWE Network special attractions, and pay-per-views only. Therefore sending out a mass notice about what is going to happen on RAW tonight is very peculiar.

The company seriously sent this email out to everyone they could as every each of our personal email accounts received the same message with the graphic below attached to it."



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>Brock and Becky heavily featured
Jeez, the two worst people on the show.

it's more a reminder because of memorial day, but whatever helps you seethe less I guess

Cringe, I'm a proud WWE e-mail subscriber and I got an e-mail last week saying to watch Raw. Ringsidenews is literally fake news.

Yeah, sure, uh huh.


>it's more a reminder because of memorial day, but whatever helps you seethe less I guess

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>that butthurt shit
How the fuck do you become like this?

Why didn’t they do this last Memorial Day or any other?

>ringside news

pretty fucking bad sign when kayfabe news is more reliable

you unironically fall for the stand up for wwe meme

and yet they've promoted the show a lot less than usual on twitter, so are they really trying to get people to watch?

>the fucking best they can offer is Becky and Brock




I unironically filtered WWE emails completely. I did the free month a few years back (actually I think it was like 3 months for free at that time) just to watch mania for free. Afterwards they mailed me everyday asking me to come back, or to buy shitty merch, so I blocked them. Any mail from them gets auto deleted forever.

It's always the Genetic disasters.

All western wrestling fans are ugly.

I'm quite handsome actually. My face is often described as beautiful by girls.

AEWchad btw

I watch NJPW, CMLL, NXT & AEW.

RAWchads can hold their heads high this week becaise tonight will be better than ever.

>please tune in to see a demented irish tranny constanly botch and talk like someone tried to murder her by smashing her in the head for ten minutes with a frying pan

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The Western paypigs, hangers on and fanboys are ugly, yes. Have you ever seen all the grotesque manlets at sportball events wearing oversozed jerseys and merch plastered with the names or images of random niggers? Ready to prattle off accomplishments for each and every one of their supposed heroes? They are desperate for pride and identity, this is why the trend ugly and/or socially repellant.

Yea Forums trends much more attractive (and more white) than woo-niggers because we don't watch or support the product, we have some semblance of dignity or integrity amd therefore inherent self-worth.

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Sure is a very unbiased title there.

>AEW set a high bar
Did they though? I want them to succeed but objectively that ppv was pretty average outside of Cody/Goldust and a few cool things like Moxley and Bret. I think people are just hyped from the novelty. I hope they can do much better than that and soon


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You could have just unsubscribed from the mail list

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And yet I didnt get an email. This shit is getting pathetic.

oh shit an email? what did the fbi say

Nigga, we just like shitposting

>sending fans spoilers for their own show
Another brilliant move by the WWE.

>w-we're cool too!
Pathetic, Japanlet. You are now irrelevant in the face of based AEW.

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you are born in britain

Weird. He has the Americuck mindset though.

I mean this is probably the logical answer but why roll with that when we can shit post

>writing all this shit because you're seething over mandrama
Please remove the New Japan face from your OP we don't want anything to do with your trancel company

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New Japan kicks ass. If it weren't for them, Kenny Cody and The Bucks wouldn't have had a platform to start AEW.

AEW dopes pretending that 90% of NJPW's audience or 99.9% of NJPW's domestic audience cares about Cody's political fed vs. Vince's political fed.

Fuck WWE and Fuck Vince !

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