What’s up with these cringe ass shirts ?
What’s up with these cringe ass shirts ?
WWE is incapable of coming up with anything organically, so when someone likr Brock does, they milk it
That shirt is pretty dope 2bh.
I wouldn't wear it because I don't wear wrestling shirts tho.
I'd wear if I was extremely autistic, as it stands my case of autism is high functioning like successful author, musical phenom, video creator, and artist Christine Chandler
>this shit
>not smiling Brock shirt
no buy
Party Brock is in the house tonight
Could be worse.
that Jericho shirt is pretty mint
the Kenny shirt doesn't look bad
rent free
>aew is for everyone
asp seething
>he says as he #StandsUpForAEW
If that shirt was white it'd be alright. Why do wrestling companies insist on black tees when graphic black tees makes everyone looks like shit.
E-drone seethin
> 5XL
This is going to be one of things that was funny and then WWE ruins it, isn't it?
Lol seeing him like this makes me smile.
another e-drone worked into a seething mess
There is some cringe but all that shit is unironically better than "Brock Party".
In addition, I hate Young Bucks flippy shit but I could wear that shirt in public. Kenny Omega shirt is BASED and Jericho´s one is like an 80´s metal band, is not absolutely bad.
>all the drones getting worked into a spluttering seethe because you criticized their corporation
Based user
The consistent problem with wrestling shirts has always been cluttered graphic design. The minimalist approach always resulted in the highest selling shit, likely because even today "nWo" is vague enough to be anything.
They giving Lesnar dancing gimmick?
I like that beanie a lot and the Jericho shirt is dimes.
they've noticed something people liked and now they're milking it for everything it's worth
remember "get these hands"?
He's literally one of the most dancative wrestlers of all time.
Shut up.
Its PG and its FUN!
Whata wrong with you people!?!
Imagine thinking that these shirts are worse than brock party. I seriously can't understand where some of you guys are coming from.
i'd wear all of those before i even thought about wearing a cringe wwe shirt
Wow, making fun of asian accents, no wonder why the kabuki warriors aren't on the show anymore
This company should just do itself in already. If they aren't able to design even some normal, non-cringeworthy shirts and are this out of loop with their audience or the general public then they don't deserve half the shit they rake in
stains on the shirt are easier to spot if it's white, wrestling companies are just looking out for their fans
would imagine it's because the only types of people that buy this shit are doughy masses of obesity and it hits it better