This belt is bad ass and looks way better than any plastic looking wwe title.
This belt is bad ass and looks way better than any plastic looking wwe title
Too much going on, it looks like an affliction tshirt
I agree, that belt is both bad and ass.
Looks like shit
But it looks just as toy as the universal strawberry belt
Oh shit! The e drones are seething already. Enjoy your fruit roll up strap and your playtime at toys r us belts.
looks way too much like a UFC title. but it isn't ugly. it's just bland. doesn't have the prestegious look of the big gold. just a kind of soulless belt that isn't that great looking but also isn't cringe like WWE's belts. Kind of like the new NXT belts.
I'd prefer a wider center plate and less texture on the gold, but even then it's still a really uninspired design. Better play it safe than have a 24/7 Championship-tier disaster, I guess.
Jesus christ AEWtists really are mentally unstable and need a safe space from any criticism whatsoever
Looks like poor man's njpw belt
It's a decent belt but still needed of soul and charisma. Maybe if were a golden one...
At least is not a toy like WWE titles
nah the broken apart pieces design looks shit. the center design with only the bigger side plates not looking like broken off pieces would have better
I don’t think the centerpiece of a belt should be the company logo, either wwe or aew. Some of the best belts I can think of like whc or winged eagle either didn’t have the logo, or featured it smaller in a little slot not as the main focus and had words spelling out what you need to know about the belt
Literally seething. I’m sure you just love the wwe belts made by PlaySchool. Who doesn’t love plastic looking shit?
Looks like a gaudier version of the IWPG belt
You can think this belt and the wwe titles look like shit
You look like shit
Spoiler - I think all of the modern WWE belts are trash save the IC which is just a remake.
Fucking aewtists, honestly
shut the fuck up
It’s about time that real champions wore gold again
The AEW logo is on it 15 times.
Smark bait belt
looks like a hybrid of the njpw title and the old roh tv title
Belt rankings
Lmao op gets obliterated in his own thread.
Belt, while better than wwes trash, looks awful because it looks like a rip off of the iwgp with their shitty logo plastered on it 5 times.
Lol absolutely seething e-drone!
>here’s your belt bro!
DG over WWE by the key collecting to open their belt's gate, such a kino idea
>there's a key to open the belt ahahah so based suck shit wwe
have sex
It looks nothing like a UFC belt, you retard.
>Less than a minute to respond
Have an imagination, then you too can have sex
Lol absolutely seething e-drone crying because he paid good money for a plastic replica of a children’s toy belt
Buzzword all you want, the challenger having a physical claim to the title that the champion can take from them and visually display on the championship itself is a kino idea. Shame it only works in promotions where defenses mean anything.
This thread really hurts because everyone knows it’s true.
Literally the knockouts belt. I guess they're really trying to push trannies and faggots in this semen slurping promotion
Who cares? WWE belts are meaningless now. There’s like 45 of them now.
you sound like the kind that enjoys capeshit and cry at star wars trailer reveals
From the prototype drawing revealed months back i already knew it was going to be shit. Hate the trend of belts with side plates before a side plate
>his programming only knows seething
Yikes. Not gonna make it with the wolves kid.
Honestly better than I thought it would be. Anything is better than plastic Kmart WWE belts
Imagine being in a mandrama board of a Vietnamese basket weaving website and thinking you have the moral high ground over any other type of bottom-feeding nerd.
You sound like a miserable faggot that finds no enjoyment in living, go ahead, kys, no one will be at the funeral
>Baited this hard
Literal tears in your tiny little eyes while you clutch your plastic belt replica
There we go kid. You're getting better.
AAA Mega champion is pretty lackluster design for main title. I wish they make Mega Champion similar to Lucha Underground champion
I'm gonna wait for better pictures or for an official render but it looks too busy too me. Like the Big Gold Belt and IWGP hebbykyu belt have a lot going on but they are also clean as fuck, the AEW belt looks cluttered
>Look mommy I’m trying!
It's terrible, but it's better than WWE belts.
The concept is great, but it looks straight up unfinished.
Wtf are those gems on it. Looks like they hot glued jewels from an arts and crafts kit you could buy at Walmart. Also they fucking spelled champion wrong
ultimate pleb filter.
Shit looks like ass nigga
Imagine still thinking the IWGP belt is actually nice in 2019.
You sure are kiddo.
Seething discord tranny
It has the condensed frame of an old-school belt with the ornate decoration of an NJPW belt.
Looks too saturated and squashed up and the logo plastered all over it is awful. 3/10 Belt desu
it has the fruity white gold looking plate and the lame frilly super textured pattern. looks flat and too busy at the same time. retard.
The logo doesn't fit and makes it look cheaper.
Faggot belt
Looks absolutely like a UFC belt.
It's a belt that's just black and gold and with the company's initials slapped on the front
The NXT championship looks far more prestigious than the current main titles.
I notice the word heavyweight is missing.
good shapes, bad textures
looks rusty as fuck
no ya simp it looks like a women jewelry and a fan creation in WWE game, its gay as fuck
Why is the logo on all five plates?
too much fancy shit between the main elements make them blend together, looks like a poor iwgp copy
Switch DG & AAA and you're right
My regular leather belt looks better than any WWE title as well.
it's actually a cumberbund
It's also on the strap five times per side.
Their logo is on their belt 15 times.
your a retard you fucking bitch
the strap is too thin, it looks cheap as fuck
It's also on the straps. Like 5 times on each. Absolute brainlet idea.
I really don't like it. I wanted a modern day Big Gold.
wow! I didn’t know there was so many professional designers on Yea Forums!
Looks like something my grandmother would serve appetizers on, yeesh
maybe you should cry about it on here more. that surely will get them to change it
Hey Brandi, did we hurt your feefees?
looks like a rice krispie treat
aew looks so out of place
Absolutely mogged
just wait until the XFL works this time around simp
Your a funny guy!
I mean, would it really surprise you if the overlap between current day wrestling fans and graphic designers was significant? It's like going to a skateboarding thread and saying "wow! I didn't know there were so many stoners on Yea Forums!"
Absolutely boiling
Ya know those "throwback" titles that have pictures of old timey dudes tussling on them? I was half-expecting the Elite guys to make the sideplates their finishers. It would've been UNBELIEVABLY self-marky, but at least it would've been something.
its an ugly belt but at least its a big golden belt
>yfw the WWE men's and women's titles are identical
I’m not the one complaining. Maybe everyone here should sign an online petition to really get their attention
Looks inspired by the mid south NA championship. So I think it’s kinda based, too many AEW’s tho
Are you really this mad or are you working me
you could say I’m “seething” and trying to “cope”
What the fuck is going on in the corner plates? Pre-Crisis Scott Steiner fucking himself?
It’s a “world championship” not a “world heavyweight championship”. They probably didn’t include heavyweight cuz 80% of the roster is manlets
Looks like a TNA belt. Nobody tops the IWGP hebbyq
That's the old one
>your a retard
The NXT belt is probably the best and most "valuable" NA title that exists right now. Definitely not soulless.
the AEW title literally looks like a NJPW belt with an AEW logo on it
I almost like this belt, it just feels like there is something a little... off about it? I can't really put my finger on it, it's fine but the design rubs me the wrong way for some reason.
What's a "Mega Champion"?
Title that was unified with a bunch of World titles of various divisions.
ok? doesn't change anything i said
They're all marks. It's the same shit we saw after all of the NJPW bandwagoning.
Ditch the huge amount of logos, make it gold.