Redpill me on this guy. I unironically thought he was the best part of the battle royal and I know nothing about him

Redpill me on this guy. I unironically thought he was the best part of the battle royal and I know nothing about him.

Attached: 8EGyL6Gz_400x400.jpg (400x400, 24K)

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His gimmick is that he's the laziest guy ever. He's fantastic.

Same. Hope he gets the machine behind him brother

he's fun as far as comedy guys go

Attached: JJSB3pt1 TAKA vs OC.webm (800x448, 2.8M)

Gimmicks like this work when you keep it to your own character and don't try to force it on the other guy. Notice how he sold like a motherfucker for Taka.

his gimmick is that he's the most low effort wrestler ever and he barely knows the rules of professional wrestling

Unironically a fantastic seller and great comedy act.

Holy basedola. Cody, strap, now.
he made Colt Cabana look like tryhard and got people boo him absolutely based

This was Based as fuck.

I just yesterday watched some comedy match from him and some dude with creepy smiley facemask for some circus title. It was actually pretty fucking good for a comedy match.

I like the guy and im hoping to see more of him, pretty sure he can go too when its needed

His gimmick is that he's constantly hungover and a lazy wrestler. Gets super powers after drinking orange juice, which he only occasionally has with him. He's also Fire Ant in Chikara and is roommates with Chuck Taylor.

>he hails from wherever and his weight doesnt matter

who is the better comedy act bros?

Attached: 1554340545087.webm (622x474, 2.59M)

Lmao all along thought that was Osprey. Really shows that I should stick to cracking open a cold one, get it inbetween my thighs and watch Wrestlemania

Attached: 230px-Steven_Seagal_November_2016.jpg (230x294, 15K)

Orange Cassidy vs Ricochet got memed here a lot for the comedy spots so it's understandable

Attached: NJPW shoot fighting.webm (744x404, 1.95M)

when I saw the picture I legit thought they were advertising brendan schaub on the show

Is that the japanese wrestler based disco defeated? Also that smack to the head at the end was unexpected lol

He was independent wrestling champion for some time, had some really good matches or really fun matches. He is the king of indies now that most of the higher tier talent is signed somewhere.

> a match in front of somebody's house

Don't show this video to Jim Cornette.

source pls

he still is the iwtv champ

>he made Colt Cabana look like a tryhard
not hard to make someone look like what they are

believe it's Kikutaro vs Kuishinbo Kamen at an Osaka Pro Show but outside that I don't have anything

gimmick's gonna get stale after 2 weeks of television and you redditors are gonna turn on him saying you "never liked him and knew his gimmick would get tired"

don't feel like looking for the full match but here you go

oh wait that was the full match

The no hands kip up is actually really fucking impressive

thanks user
