And now, only one hope remains for WWE ..the power of the Joshi
...but will they realize in time?
And now, only one hope remains for WWE ..the power of the Joshi
...but will they realize in time?
You know, AEW could probably buy out Kairi Sane’s contract and Kairi would be happy with it since she has expensive taste.
Womeme will never draw
Hot dogs do not trade for Gucci jackets
Vince will call in favors to Meiko and Rossy to use talent if he wants shore up the women's division, because outright talent raids won't look good at this time, and let them cut lose and not work the WWE style. Just let them work how they know best.
>...but will they realize in time?
only if Stephanie can say she invented it
Vince has Stardom in his pocket but AEW has TJPW and Gatoh Move. It's a pretty even match.
>aew drones are all mentally ill pant shitters
how about you fantasy book yourself a clue
Honestly Asuka should still be champ in women's singles. Ludicrous that she got ousted and forced to tag team.
just add it to the pile of why wwe is in deep shit very shortly, imagine having someone who looks like a once in lifetime majestic ace and completely fucking blowing it for absolutely nothing
Let's not forget that Vince had to be told Asian women are capable of being found attractive.
I mean I actually really like Bailey so I'm NOT THAT upset but Asuka is like top level talent and not just when compared to other women she could wrestle along side anyone and make both parties look good.
Unless this means wwe is gonna be less shit about tag teams I'm mad they stopped her run and banished her to the fucking shadow realm
Kairi looks like she's got a strap on from the thumbnail
Fucking this. Their circular booking was so fucking retarded is incredible to think an actual human had written all of that.
>Let's give title to Asuka
>Hey why not build her big like the final boss of the women division. Make even Becky tap out.
>Nope I changed my mind now. Let's have her lose to Mandy and she can get a win back in some PPV.
>Hey Charlotte has no accolades, we need to put the title on her or Ric will get mad.
>Nevermind, make the mania title for both belts, we'll give both to Becky. Ric can suck it.
>Damn we fucked up that finish but at least Becky has both titles. Now she can really get over.
>Nope I changed my mind, just have her give back the title to Charlotte.
>Hey you know what would be good? If this girl Bayley who has been losing every match the past month got the belt.
Living inside Vince's head must be hell.
I wouldn't be as mad if Asuka left all that with SOMETHING but now you have objectively your best female talent with no story lines or straps and she has to be on a tag team.
Sometimes wwe really does stand for WE WASTE EVERYTHING
Yaaassss queen. THIS SO MUCH. O M G i like literally cant stand that vince guy hes a dumb old white man. Thats why i watch AEW so i can see the black queen brandi run the show
What exactly in that post worked you into such a downright BOILIN' shoot, brother?
Asuka should have been in the ME of Mania if they were determined to have that match for "all the marbles". Charles has way too many reigns now the number is going to be ridiculous.
post more hentai.
Kairi would get a mega push out of the gate. Kenny loves her.
Fatsuka is already a proven flop and Kairi is unlikely to be different
>someone who isn't over and can't speak English should be champ
No. She's exactly where she should be. You can't tell stories with such a limited character.
If you don't try, you can't.
Laziness should never be an excuse.
You easily can, look at her NXT run. I'm sorry your brain is too smooth to think
>Joshi wrestling
They toned down Lo, Asuka and Kairi a shit ton.
They did try and she flopped
These two are nowhere near as good as the joshi AEW has access to
They will win the tag team belts this week as a shot at AEW and also as punishment for Peyton supporting her preshow boyfriend.
They will never win the belts
You'll see. 2 Days.
They won't even be on the show
sorry sweaty but the only gaijin that rossy is loyal to is ROH and EVE
>You can't tell stories with such a limited character.
what stories were told on the mic by the charles/ronda/becky in the months leading up to WM?
Of course the number is going to be ridiculous. 16+ in two years is beyond dumb.
>win the tag titles
>the next day show up at AEW and throw the belts in the trash
Asuka and Kairi will be the new Nash and Hall. Except this time they'll get the job done. Baleeb dat.
There's no one more limited in the company than the current, English speaking, RAW women champion simp. Even Asuka could add, and did while feuding her, more variety to her promos.
Can you imagine how the crowds are going to start reacting to the same old slow stale garbage from Becky & Charlotte once AEW exposes everyone to fast pace and crazy Joshi matches?
It's just not going to cut it anymore, normies finally going to realize just what shit they've been being fed all this time
Lol no
I hope they go to AEW
I mean I hope they do well but let's be serious for a moment here. Most joshi matches are also complete shit just like WWE women's matches. The one at DoN was fine but nothing particularly special.
you have to understand the horsememe fans aren't wrestling fans, they don't care about moves or psychology or anything that has to do with wrestling, they only care about seeing straps around those four whores and them winning every single match in existence, so no amount of exposure will ever push them to betray either. It's a lost battle really
I can smell you from here.