Double or nothing wasn't cri--

>double or nothing wasn't cri--

Attached: Yikes.webm (444x244, 223K)

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Fuck HHH and fuck WWE

>OMG fireworks. SEE the khans get what wrestling is all about. Sparkly shit.

More pyro in one chair shot than entire wwe year of events including PPV

Cody can't even make swinging a sledgehammer look convincing.

ya seething e-dorne?



Worked. This is based. complex

T. riple H

It was cringe BUT HHH is crying in his sleep about it so it becomes insanely based

kek that puff of smoke

Probably gonna be a lawsuit but based Cody certainly has some balls to do that.

Attached: 400.jpg (310x399, 159K)

this is kino as hell. Fuck off Paul.

A lawsuit for what? WWE don't own the concept of thrones, and they don't own the concept of sledgehammers.

Literally how trump got elected. "He was already retarded before he got dementia but he pisses off the libs so lets give him the nuclear codes."

>hurrr everything is a lawsuit

Seems more like he confirms that he is allowing Paul to live rent-free in his head. The show was actually going pretty well on its own merits up until that point.

beggin ya to log off and OD on fentanyl, wh*te trash

>he doesn't want both companies to fling shit at each other
Kill yourself you dumb zoomer

Cringe of the year.

I honestly marked the fuck out when this happened but I was hoping he'd genuinely smash the prop throne to pieces with the hammer instead of it just shooting off some pyro and magically falling apart. Would have looked much cooler.

seething is building up a whole HHH throne and destroying it

lmao. AEW fans supporting insecurities.

>f-f-f-uck HHH...i'm not mad
>*swings sledgehammer*

HHH was probably having a 3-way with Steph and Mandy Rose last night. He's not worried about a mid-card federation.

AEW should ban all their wrestlers from social media, and if they do any interviews it should have to be in character.
I can't remember what year exactly I stopped watching but it was when Cena had changed how the world title looked and Eugene had a feud with Bischoff.
Even then the only reason I still watched wrestling was for JBL and Carlito
>tfw Gangrel never made it big

Probably 04 early 05.

lick my clit lil bitch

>if they do any interviews it should have to be in character

Being a tranny doesnt mean your little dick is a clit homo.

The fact that this is living rent fee in e-drones empty noggins makes it based alone.

you literally have worms in your already smooth brain rofl btfo

Harsh nigger.

>Cleverly capitalizes on the momentum and buzz brought in by AEW

Why is he so based guys?

Attached: UURuOqef_400x400.jpg (400x400, 23K)

It really does help set a better scene though. The most Kino Raw ever looked was in the Attitude Era when they did so much pyro at the start of the show that the arena was smoky and foggy the whole show. I hope this gets brought back.

edrones wont watch this. This is for all of the WWEs ex girlfriends

i bet you rebelled against your parents. user

You mean watching a four-way with his wife and the New Day

this, Triple C loves watching his wife get fucked by big black men.