> Misses a career defining show cause he's too much of a self-mark
Couldnt cut with wwe and AEW already moved on from him. When will this troll looking mark put his ego aside?
> Misses a career defining show cause he's too much of a self-mark
Couldnt cut with wwe and AEW already moved on from him. When will this troll looking mark put his ego aside?
I believe you mean dwarf
>Only cawdy and the cucks can be self marks!
The faggot forgot to renew his visa again, that was the reason why he missed Wrestlecon too, is he doing it on purpose?
that's called being loyal. I'm legit going to subrscibe to Dragon Gate right now.
>but i'm champion of a literally who promotion, I can't lose
You're getting worked. After AEW signed Moxley their plans changed.
Based PAC big-leagues the All markslete and still big-leaguing inside the marsklete’s marks’ heads rent free.
Money and miles, kid. Nothing else matter
I believe you mean Keebler elf.
>Money and miles, kid. Nothing else matter
that's why you'll be a sad piece of meat when you die.
>enzo fagore
Cringe. This is a PAC board ya simp
Bold words from a neet incel
Why? He was on TV before with millions watching before, and he was going to lose either way
Get fucked. I hope AEW drops him so I don't have to tune in to Tranny TV to watch based PAC
Get a load of this mark.
t. seething Enzetty Fagore mark
Isn't DG partnered with AEW?
Maybe outside of Chinese promotion King Of Pro Wrestling. Dragon Gate doesn't have any partners.
cant believe people gave a fuck about this manlet
I agree. Neville fucked up. Nobody gives a shit about Dragon Gate.
Not really. OWE is, which has upper eschellon from guys who left DG in 2018 I think (or at the ned of 2017)
PAC obviously cares more for Dragon Gate than the Elite vanity project. And it obviously hurts you deeply.
>Hangman can now chase the belt and establish himself as a top babyface
>Moxley had a GOAT moment and is feuding with Kenny
It's better outcome without PAC imo
Not even the same guy slugger.
>Beating hangman just to have jeriboomer break his streak in a match that is clearly being played as smaller than Omega vs Mox
Prior to Jericho winning I would have agreed because it's Kenny. However at this point losing to Jericho is comparable to when the revival got beat up by DX and the NWO.
He was supposed to go over Page, but then lose to Kenny. Dragon Gate didn't want him to lose to Kenny.
This. Pac can still come out later in the year and feud with Page for it.
I think it was Hangman he said during media scrums.
>Maybe the match will happen outside of USA in the future
Kinda giving the credence to the visa issue.