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sounds absolutely exhausting being around this bitch

That's all women

Literally what the fuck struggle has she experienced in her life? Privileged ass bitch

So her experience is 100% based on the color of her skin and nothing else. Based and monochromatic.

>be Brandi
>literally black Steph
>incorporate PC SJW shit into wrestling
>progressive and diversity in wrestling
>philanthropy is the future of marketing, it's the way brands r going 2 win

I see no difference from WWE

She is a hot negrees she probably got harassed constantly by horny /pol/tards who want to fuck her and scream nigger while they cum on her face

What he really means

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I usually don't find black women attractive but Brandi works my dick into a ding dong diddly shoot

>he unironically typed it out

What about MY experience ?

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>Throwing away your "dashing" cody genes for THIS

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I wonder if Dusty ever had to put up with this shit from Sapphire?

dont get me wrong, but ill fuck brittany venti.


fuck off /pol/

the more i hear about AEW the more i think calling them SJW shithole for traps and faggots was understatement.
Was DoN really that bad? I couldn't get past talentless schmucks in equality shirts butchering the national anthem and that imitation of pyro.

Beyond the stuff in the beginning about being a "sensory inclusive" show, there wasn't a single mention or reference to any SJW shit. Not even for Nyla Rose.


>Mark Henry asking about diversity

The ONLY classy way to answer that question would have been "we want the best people we don't care what you look like or what's between your legs". Admitting you push diversity is like admitting you judge people different dependent on their skin colour, which by definition is racist.

which one?

So the reverse for white girls and black bois