When will Vince give in at last?

When will Vince give in at last?

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This guy legit gets every company that sign him off TV since he was kicked out of WWE, hiring him is a death sentence

Get a clue mark. Russo or someone with his wrestling philosophy is the only thing that can save WWE at this point.

Russo wouldn't work in modern WWE. They'd stifle him creatively. It's a shame though. Him and Vince made great TV together.


Highest ratings there?

He would save it in the same way you save a lame horse. Glue factory.

All because based cornette was fixing whatever this fucking retard was doing

>Russo booking without Patterson reigning him in and with Vince more senile then ever
That said, WWE turning into WCW 2000 chaos would be better then what it is now.

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According to Meltzer lmao

We need another Brawl for All.

Nice. That's why Cornette went to ROH and flamed out in only a few short years.

Really couldn't hurt. I like Russo, but I think even he admits that he isn't in touch with what is popular today. That said, he would at LEAST be able to format RAW to look like an actual TV show and not a 3 hour long snore-fest.

tna got popular on spikeTV before russo and the highest ratings segments were the knockouts, booked by dutch mantell. russo only buried people like the naturals, the X division and even the KOs after he told dixie to fire dutch.

your idol is a fraud obsessed with sex who can only book mommy issues angles.

Not like 1997-1999 wasnt WWEs creative peak or anything. Cant miss TV on a regular.

>Having Sting, Hogan, Angle, Nash, Steiner, Booker T, AJ Styles, Samoa Joe and being proud of only managing 1.0 ratings.

>starting a sentence with "really" and not "it really"
>saying "I like ______, but"
>capitalizing LEAST for emphasis

Opinion disregarded.

>creative peak
lol even if it's like you said, creative was a TEAM not an individual. Just look at what Russo did in wcw when they gave him the book.

or better just stop posting here vince and get a real job instead of leeching the 50 guys on twitch who watch you. you're a grown man and you have a family. today is sunday so you should be looking the job offers in the newspaper instead of putting yourself over on 4shits.

Its well established it was Russo writing TV for most part with Ferrara being his assistant after mid-98. Vince just changed some small details occasionally. The WWE product is night and day during Russo and post Russo.

I'm a Russo fuyt and I know for the fact that today's effeminate audience would not be able to enjoy his raunchy style of writing. enjoy your s o y soaked wrestling, you simps.

Best period was when WWE didn't give a fuck what the soisauce crowd thought about the product. They knew they had the mass audience. Russo was laughing when Meltzer buried this is your life on his sheets and meanwhile it did monster rating.