No memes, no jokes

Anyone else made the switch from WWE to AEW like me last night?

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Yeah I'm a tranny now

I switched to not watching to maybe watching AEW. I havent touched anything WWE related in like 10 years and wont

yeah. wwe fucking sucks and is a horrible company. they completely ruined everything about their product and tried to cover it up by adopting political philanthropy shit. aew looks like it still has those "progressive" elements but also has fucking based shit like cody and goldust's match, jericho and omega, moxley and jim ross on commentary. it's just like when they said they're going to be a company for everyone, that wasn't just a political statement, they actually meant every kind of wrestling fan including those of us who liked wwf/wcw style stuff.

No, I'll continue to not watch wrestling.

I'll continue to watch NJPW and check out AEW now and then maybe
Nobody actually watches WWE nowadays, right?

I unironically did before last night because there wasn’t an alternative, but no more. AEW is here now.

hello fellow chad!

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New Japan is still the easiest promotion for me to follow schedule wise, but I don't have a problem checking out the big shows for AEW as well. The main card of that show was solid top to bottom.

Unfortunately NJPW isn’t for everyone and this is coming from someone who only watches NJPW. The majority of American wrestling fans like the over-dramatization and over-the-topness of wrestling. With that being said I’m not gonna watch AEW because it doesn’t appeal to me but wish them good luck.

I know that, which is why I see AEW as a pretty decent change of pace to have every so often. The BTE and pre-show stuff was not for me at all but I found most everything else enjoyable.

NJPW is over dramatic and over the top as hell. It's just for the main part less goofy than this WWE style.

What makes NJPW hard to follow is the schedule and the language barrier.

I was until brandi came out
It was like seeing both vince and steph so i tuned out

Depends where you're from I guess. An AEW PPV starts at 1am for me, whereas an NJPW is 8-10am. AEW was good though, I mean, I've seen better matches in the last week in BOSJ but i'll keep watching.

>tfw tuned out of wrestling for the most part in 2017
>see this with friends and had a great time
I'll definitely keep an eye out. Will probably watch the weekly TV show if they keep improving too.

I have to ask this seriously did any of you really enjoy it or are you that beaten down by what WWE and other shit that wrestling promotions have been putting out that you just want to believe a revolution happened last night?

I legit fucking loved. Can’t think of a thing I’d change. The librarian shit was fucking awful but it was on the preshow so who cares.

I really think they’re going to succeed. It just feels like the start of something big.

Unironically enjoyed it. Nothing that was greatest I've ever seen but a hot crowd and a solid show from top to bottom. I've got like no complaints past the cameras missing stuff at several points.

I enjoy the weekly Beyond Wrestling shows more than I did DoN

>the start of something big
>no legs
>5'8 average height
>awful commentators
>spot monkeys
How is this different from [insert local indy]?

The fact that people, including you, are actually talking about it.

Second half was fucking great. Don’t play dumb either, it’s pretty clear that’s what’s going on now is going to be significant. The WWE has alienated countless fans over the years and AEW has so much money behind them. The competition is real.

Very epic. Finally tv 14 wcw/wwf shit. AEW is good, quit WWE drones.

I'm in the same timezone, and getting up early to watch something is the same as staying up all night.
Whats difficult with NJPW is knowing what to watch and when. Often storylines start in random tag matches on tour shows. They need something like a weekly round up show half an hour or an hour long that sums everything up.

>has a TV deal
>is a hot product that can sell out arenas
>has a TV deal
>is backed by a billionaire
>has a TV deal
>WWE wrestlers are trying to jump ship. They never did this for ROH or IMPACT
>has a TV deal

Maybe. I wanna see how the weekly shows go too first, since I don't know much of the roster and these PPVs they do are big spectacle events, I don't really have much idea on how it'll be when They have to do smaller shows every week yet, and also I need to get to learn the gimmicks and characters etc from the (currently) literal whos.
Was good though, also does anybody know when they're starting the weekly shows?
Also also I'm in love with Brandi now

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I thought it was great. Some teething issues like the bad camera work for the title reveal and the ringbell in the joshi match but otherwise it was kino. The very end with Jericho winning and Mox running in was the most excited american wrestling has made me in decades.

Why have you been on asp? Just shitposting?

It was Razor showing up on WCW all over again. That was the moment where I was like “Well, here we go...” The MNW is back.

That's exactly how I felt. It was a great idea to put it at the very end, it just put the whole thing up a notch. Wrestling feels unpredictable again.

What else Yea Forums is for? Of course just for shitposting ya fucking simpola.

They need one more top guy for me to fully start paying attention, I watched streams of DoN but still skipped through most of the shitters and flippy tag team gayness and women

If they don't get Punk or someone on that level for TV I don't see how they'll keep it going.

Omega/Moxley is money, Jericho with title will be money, but what do you do beyond that. I don't give a fuck about the young bucks, I don't give a fuck about the lucha bros beyond Penta because of his awesome run with Lucha Underground. They need another top guy.

It was a really, really, really good event though. And it goes without saying that you shouldn't be watching WWE in 2019. I cringe at all the time I wasted watching it before stopping in 2014, and it's 100x worse now.

Only match that I really got into was Dustin vs Cody. It was supposed to be a popcorn match compared to the indy shitters and was easily match of the night. If they have more matches like that I will probably watch their stuff. If they have more matches like the Young Bucks vs Luchabros I'm probably not. I don't know how anyone could stay entertained watching that but I alt-tabbed out of the window to play Rocket League about 3 minuets into that match.

I really wouldn’t be surprised if a few more big stars make the jump when their contracts are up. Actually I could see Batista ending up in AEW even though that seems crazy now.

>Actually I could see Batista ending up in AEW
He said he's retired. he doesn't need the money, he is making fuckton in Hollywood. He's too old.

They don't need another big WWE guy. Maybe someone from NXT, an indie guy or two for the middcard, but AEW needs to make its own stars.

Worked zoomer.

what if they get enzo

>Young Bucks vs Luchabros
That's match for casuals. Really is. if you do not have well build up story and are just dropping in for one big show? Why not have fun super fast spot fest? What's wrong about it. That's definition of "casual fan" - someone who doesn't follow it religiously and knows everything. Give them fun action packed match and they will be happy and maybe turn it on again in a month or so.

Unpredictable? Everyone knew moxley was going to AEW they released a fucking promo for it.
Are wrestling fans really this retarded?

I genuinely enjoyed it, and I don’t really like the bucks and I don’t care for joshi matches either.
I just feel that they are a couple of big names short of being a genuine, good alternative to wwmeme. I know Pac is a manlet but I’d have liked to see him here

>Are wrestling fans really this retarded?
Yes. A lot of them saw how well the video was produced and really thought it was a work by WWE. Because indy promotions are really bad at video production.

Because the match was boring. I had no buildup for anything on this show besides memes and that match was change the channel bad. Everyone in that ring thought they were more entertaining than they are and it looked like a high school gym tier indy match.

It was rumored but they managed to distract you with the Jericho stuff long enough for it to feel like a big surprise when it happened and the intensity was on point

enzo was supposed to be in ROH and they killed that, because something happened that made them change their mind and decide it is not worth it. Ask yourself, what it probably was.

>it looked like a high school gym tier indy match.
but you are not a casual fan, casual fan never saw high school gym indy match. They only know WWE and this was different from that. That is the point.


If Raw doesn’t deliver something drastically different on Monday, I’m done with WWE. This has to be a wake up call. If it isn’t, then nothing will ever get through to them.

In a years time, we could be seeing the Revival, Gallows and Anderson, Harper, Sasha and a few others. EC3 will never amount to anything in WWE, he needs to get out asap.
Plus there are the three arguably biggest free agents out there in Punk, Swagger and Ryback.

You think a casual fan would pay $50 to watch a show where the only person they have heard of on the card is Jericho?

I made the switch to WWE after last night's shitshow

Genuinely could see Bobby Roode, Nakmura and Rusev leaving for aew desu
What’s James Storm up to these days? Beer Money vs the Bucks mite b cool

That video of the wrestle talk guy cumming in his pants when a 5'8 guy in undies comes out to the ring basically sums up wrestling fans today and why wrestling will never attract a more mainstream audience.
People like who were genuinely surprised at moxley showing up.

These people arent thinking about casual fans and drawing more attention to the product they're fantasy booking indy dream matches that they cant have on WWE.

It was surprising in the moment, not overall. If he'd just have been the joker it wouldn't have felt like a surprise.

When he didn't show up as the joker it should have been obvious to you that he was going to show up in the main event.

>says casual fans twice
>no not casual fans

If this is someone booking their fantasy they probably have some pretty gay dreams.

Maybe? The pre-show was shit tho, so I doubt it.
I will be honest with you. Yes, I can imagine someone just trying it out, if they have money to spare and just would like to watch something at random. If they have seen the plug during the NBA game.
Otherwise? No. I don't think so. But I would like you and others to consider that these spot fest we hardcores have seen hundreds of times are things casuals have never seen. They will not think about the match afterwards and say "this was just a spotfest without rhyme or reason". Instead they will think "I had fun, maybe I will check it out next time they will have a show." And maybe they will, maybe they won't.
I'd just like for us to consider that these kinds of matches are not automatic turnoffs for the casual fan.

I agree they're probably rampant homosexuals.

>skipped all the flippy midget shit

It's going to be a staple, after a period of time theyre not going to be able to afford thr ckntracts of thr big name draws and the show won't be structured the same as WWE. Everyone's thinking that this is a WWE alternative, but it'll be more like RoH quickly.

Everyone got excited over LU which had good backing, and that went nowhere and folded after 3 good seasons.

>Anyone else made the switch
Imagine having a console war over fake fighting

I've switched to not wanting to watch AEW to maybe wanting to only watch the OWE/PAC stuff of AEW

Fuck the Elite and the rest of them

Or he was appearing at another time or not at all. Anyway the point is he appeared at a great time, when you were distracted with other shit.

fuck off ya boring cunt

This. Another fed for indy marks.


I wasn't distracted at all.

I just figured that I don't care. I went through the same with All In. I didn't watch it live and was like "Meh, I'll watch it tomorrow" then it just continued and I still haven't see it. I feel the same way towards this show.

Mileage may vary I guess. I thought Jericho was great at the end there.

I wasn’t sold until the Rhodes match. I don’t know if it was a botched blade or it’s just been so long since I’ve seen a solid blade live, but that gave me hope for more hardcore stuff coming out and I’m all about that


Yo! It was a fun nostalgia trip, but it's not for me nowadays.

Absolutely based

Classy user here.

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It was bad until CAWdy vs Goldust then pure kino till the end of the show

who here /didntwatch/

Who would want to watch their next show guncontrolmania anyway?

I would assume most of the people trying to bash it

DON got me hyped on wrestling again. Fuck WWE and their garbage “sports entertainment”. I just hope AEW doesn’t fuck up and start hiring every wwe shitter who’s contract runs out. Like imagine how bad a shitter like Seth would suck the life out of it.

Why can't I like both?

No one said you can't. As a matter of fact the majority of AEW fans are WWE fans.

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>anyone else made the switch from WWE to bingo hall WWE last night?

It's funny how nobody touches this incident or mentions it.

This but instead of having never touched WWE in a long time I'm juggling 3 or 4 feds atm. Could be 4 or 5 if AEW continues to do alright but one show isn't enough for me to make the switch. Only impulsive drones flock around depending on whose show did what at one show

I'll just watch both

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I only watch joshi and will only watch the joshi matches. Tried watching the western women's match and it was fucking cringe and the girls were all hideous.

literally went to my surgeon this morning and cut my dick off
im currently dilating
im all-in!

I made some paychecks last night.

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There was one confirmed tranny in the match user. Maybe more but they keep it on the down low possibly

I'm AEW now. #DilationNation #The40%Club

I'll definitely give the weekly show a shot. I haven't watched WWE in years. I just watch brief recaps of the show and shitpost. No way can I sit through 3 hours of WWE garbage on a Monday, then another 2 on a Tuesday.

AEW seems alright so far. Not perfect, but better than what I've grown used to from mainstream wrestling in the past 2 decades.

Not me. I am though going to support both. The more competition the better. The best wrestling ever was when we had two strong federations. IMO this is only going to make WWE and AEW great.

No no no oh ha ha ha
I watch CMLL thanks

I like these paychecks.



AEW impressed me. Its production values felt like 00s, early 10s WWE with their Pyro and lighting mixed with old school TNA instead of ROH v2 which I was worried. The matches were good with the highlights of the show being the Crimson Mask if Dustin, Cody destroying the skull throne, MJF being a dick and Jon Moxley run in.

>AEW impressed me. Its production values felt like 00s, early 10s WWE

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I’m a OwlChad to the core. But I will be keeping an eye on AEW. If they get a clue, lose the gooks and the Indy shitters.. then maybe i’ll call my self an OwlTist

Almost every match on the card was great. Shit, even the preshow was way better than it had any business to be. It was just non stop excitement from top to bottom. They didn't pull any punches or try to jew out the fans who paid to watch it by half assing everything like WWE does. They actually did the opposite by having everyone go all out and rarely pull any punches. The crowd was hot as fuck for most of the show because of this too.

I haven't even watched WWE in years so this isn't a case of drastically lowered standards. This was one of the best wrestling shows of the year.

>Almost every match on the card was great.
Everything up to the Rhodes match was boring and a waste of time

Too right. I was so excited for DoN like it was Wrestlemania back in the day. Believe the last time I was that excited was All in.

What were you excited about? I don't understand the appeal of this stuff.

I hope user is able to explain his excitement to you (unless he was baiting) and you are able to understand it. Because there are apparently a lot of people who liked the show. I didn't. But I kinda get why they did.
I hope you can get that explained to you as well.

>not just watching both

it's like you hate wrestling or something.


It was a typical good wrestling ppv. Their TV shows will be the real test on if this company has legs.

Havent been watching WWE for months, watched this, it was okay, nothing special.

Wrestling just sucks in 2019. We didnt know how good we had it back in the day.

That's because you're not actually a wrestling fan. You're some e-drone who's been conditioned by a lifetime of watching shitty "sports entertainment" to pull out your phone every time a match comes on and only pay attention when one of the big stars is on screen or a promo is being cut.

Notice how the crowd last night was hyped up throughout the whole show while your average WWE crowd just sits on their hands until the main event happens. Because the AEW crowd actually likes wrestling. WWE fans are in a cult and don't even really understand why they're watching the boring shite they watch most of the time. They're just lost in a trance the entire time, "live tweeting" the shitty show they're watching and pretending it's great, trying to start shitchants with their friends and otherwise doing everything in their power to not actually watch the sheer boredom unfold in front of them.

Basically you're a fag.

I haven't watched WWF or any wrestling since August 2001. I see this new show is supposed to bring wrestling back and I don't see the appeal of any of it.

It was okay. I'll keep an eye out when they get on TV, i'll be watching WWE/Impact for now

>someone expresses a difference in opinion
>you shit yourself and write a paragraph making accusations toward him to rationalize why he could possibly differ from your own thoughts
>somehow he's the cultist
>Because the AEW crowd actually likes wrestling
They're the same people, by the way.

They have a lot of shitters that have horrible looks but AEW is smart enough to not push them (Battle Royale, Chuck Taylor etc). Fuck the Young Cucks they're corny & lame. I don't want to see Jeriboomer or any other old ass nigga. Other than those complaints I'm almost ready to make the switch Page, Miz 2, Penta, will be stars. Omega/Moxley is a good feud to start their TV run & guys like Ryback or Swagger won't hurt aew.

Why are you here, if you do not watch any wrestling? Do not have any life? Like outside of shitposting on board dedicated to a thing you do not engage with? If you do not, maybe you are living very unhealthy life and should do something to change it. Or end it.

to be fair to him, talking about the old days or just talking shit about current wrestling is more entertaining than actually watching most current wrestling.

>Anyone else made the switch from WWE to AEW like me last night?
You gonna watch very little wrestling in the forseeable future then...

Yep, nobody.

But, if he has any other interests, other hobbies, anything else, why would he be here. That's what I do not get.
Why are you on Yea Forums on board about something you last engaged with 20 years ago.
If he was a teenager, I can understand that. But. 20 years ago. That's a long time.
What happened to user, that he cares about something he watched 20 years ago. The fuck.

yea good luck seeing them get a surprise wrestler jumping ship every show (with no purpose, unlike the nWo). And the Jericho match sucked. He's a bloated hot mess.

He's already outed himself as a troll/e-drone so this was a pretty stupid thing to post. You guys are only gonna get more and more butthurt that people refuse to take your "opinions" seriously when every thought you have is borne of the retarded cultist mentality of 'everything that isn't WWE is the little leagues, every match that doesn't happen in a WWE ring is shit' ect. ect.


Yes. I went from not watching pro wrestling to maybe giving this a shot

He's more than likely just some e-drone running damage control for his cult leaders.

>he's gone on another "REEEE WWE" rant despite me being a different person he knows nothing of the viewing habits of making more broad sweeping generalizations because he's seething in rage about a difference in opinion
You're a cultist.

>Why are you here
I heard this new show was going to rekindle the dynamics that wrestling once had. Not sure what you don't understand.

You're an absolute mess and you're the exact kind of moronic, adversarial, overly-defensive spastic AEW wants.
Call me an E-Drone and prove my point.

You do know that millions of people stopped watching wrestling because it became so bad, right? I'm sure many of them have hoped that it would turn around one day, and I'm sure many of them were hoping that last night was that day.

The guy is literally here pretending he hasn't watched wrestling since 2001 and yet here he is posting on Yea Forums. If that isn't transparent as all fuck to you, you're a moron. The only people in the world who'd genuinely believe that Double or Nothing was shitty and boring up until the Cody match are full blown e-drones. You can keep turning the cultist insult back on me but it doesn't exactly work when I'm not the one acting like a fucking idiot here.

And first place they would have come is to Yea Forums? That makes no sense.

>The only people in the world who'd genuinely believe that Double or Nothing was shitty and boring up until the Cody match are full blown e-drones.
hey, maybe there some Cornette's who just don't care about anything else, but their blood feuds and big time main events?

>The guy is literally here pretending he hasn't watched wrestling since 2001 and yet here he is posting on Yea Forums. If that isn't transparent as all fuck to you, you're a moron.
I also don't watch wrestling and I post on Yea Forums occasionally because it's funny.
>The only people in the world who'd genuinely believe that Double or Nothing was shitty and boring up until the Cody match are full blown e-drones
Nah it was trash. Cody/Kenny matches were the only good ones on the card. Everything prior to the Cawdy match was spotmonkey trash, divashit and the meme royale.
Sorry you just have trash taste because WWE has fed you shit for a decade+
>You can keep turning the cultist insult back on me
As long as you keep regurgitating "EDrone" like your puppet-masters want you to, I will.

That ending with Jim Ross going crazy, the crowd being insanely loud and Omega and Mox brawling sealed the deal.
I made the jump

based skate chads

Big selling point for me is fucking saturday ppv's

>The only people in the world who'd genuinely believe that Double or Nothing was shitty and boring up until the Cody match are full blown e-drones
state of you

my gf has a passing interest in wrestling only because I've told her everything about the business, but she said that Double or Nothing made her a legit fan. she was marking hard at the moxley run in

Will this garbage meme die already? It doesn't even make sense

Thanks for the spoiler you racist piece of shit!

i'm just a kenny fan

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>That's match for casuals.
Ironic. The casuals I watched the show with thought it was stupid.

>marking hard to that cringe run in
Fake and gay

>Notice how the crowd last night was hyped up throughout the whole show
They were dead until the joshi match. The shitty battle royal and Sammy gayvara killed the crowd.

>Ironic. The casuals I watched the show with thought it was stupid.
Explained to you in other thread. It's not for your 35 years old guys who were into AE 20 years ago.

>Explained to you in other thread. It's not for your 35 years old guys who were into AE 20 years ago.
What? I'm 24, this is the first thread I've posted in today.

First time on asp since they moved wras’lin to it’s own board. What happened to Seth? I remember during the whole Shield era and a bit after boards couldn’t get enough of him and now they fucking hate him.

He and Becky Lynch are dating irl so now faggots obsessed with her try to bury him every chance they get

imagine thinking you have to pledge allegiance to one tv show over another.
i'll still watch raw on monday, and still half watch whatever illegal stream aew puts out whenever they do next.
no wonder you guys haven't had sex

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I made the jump back to actual sports. DoN was a gigantic disappointment and the only saving grace was Cody/Dustin.

Thankfully hockey and basketball playoffs are on right now. Then I can watch some real athletes instead of literal WHOs with no legs, a midget wannabe Tarzan and fat Jeri-dadbod.

i'll see all of you in the Saudi Mania threads next week.

I've been watching NCAA softball unironically