Finally get the push you deserve after 11 years and become WWE Champion

>finally get the push you deserve after 11 years and become WWE Champion
>the company you're finally main eventing for becomes the #2 promotion in the World.

Is there anything more suffering than being Kofi Kingston?

Attached: kofi_04072019mm_19567--8080627f7f2568b0f4e723ef275784f6.jpg (1920x1080, 874K)

Yeah. Being Rollins. His suffering must be worse because he was planned as a face for the company for YEARS

hes part of the reason they suck. He actually says he likes the pancake throwing gimmick.

stop this retarded shit. did bob holly "deserve" to become wwe champion? i can't stand new gay, but atleast they move enough merch.

losing to kofi nigston

He was a marks flavor of the month. They don't even tune in on Tuesdays to watch him now

He dont deserve shit. Being there is an accomplishment. Who is next, Zack Ryder?

Pretty much Kofi is a flash in the pan but the current fall can't be blamed on him. It can be blamed on Seth though, as he was part of the biggest stable in WWE in the last decade (Sheild), was constantly in the main event or in the upper-midcard constantly getting exposure, and was groomed to be the top face of the company. All just to end up being the lowest rated champ ever

>the company you're finally main eventing for becomes the #2 promotion in the World.

Reminder what caused all this.

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The only nigger that ever deserved to be champ was Booker T.

Nah, Mark Henry deserved it after that fake retirement speech and destroying Cena swerve.

At least he isn't drawing worse than /ourbitch/ Nashetty

>forgetting the Gold Standard Shelton Benjamin

>get the push you deserve after 11 years
Where's Ryder's WWE title run then.

Wow, when was this?

booker predated nigger shelton niggerman.

Hail King Booker!

Booker should have won it in 2003 but the man responsible for WWE's demise (Hunter) had to step in with unironic racism and the ear of Vince thanks to Steph and ruin a kino redemption arc. Nigger thug to black champion would have drew dimes and Hunter knew so he had to nip it in the bud so he could keep his spot

Dude, seriously, can we cool it with the n-bombs in here? I get it. It's Yea Forums and we're all edgy racists but this isn't that thread.

his only appeal is that he's a spot monkey, nothing else. this is a show and you should only get over if you move the numbers or have the talent and looks to main event, he has none of that.

mark henry was the one who deserved to be the first black champion and he got screwed

My thread made sense of it dimeless S*O*Y (more stars than your weak bait deserves slapdick)

> this isn't that thread.

go back nigger

You'd never say the shit you say in here in irl. You and everyone like you is pathetic.

>implying I don't throw slurs and autistic slang around in public
Not only that but I have friends and meaningful relationships. The key is not being a neet. Faggot.


why does Yea Forums of all places have the most easily triggered blacks? not even Yea Forums is like this.

Kofi should have won the 2011 raw MitB match, cashed in at summerslam, and held the title until early 2012. Fight me.

black wrestling fans are steve urkel type geeks irl like Dalyxman and Kent the WWE incel. They cant handle the banter

This was like when Obama was president and they kept making disaster movies about the world ending when there's was a black president in office
comedy gold

not black
only blacks matter

>Taking the bait
Go back newfie

ok then when is R-Truth or Titus getting the strap?

>It's Yea Forums
This is 4channel mothera - ding-dong diddly - fucka!