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>Cody has pink hair from the blood drying


Legendary photo. This event actually over-delivered. Idk how they top that.

based as fuck.


Vince streamin' tears left and right

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dean looking based even with that scuffed hair

>y-you w-won't leave me r-right Take?

Dry blood unironically

Punk in Chicago?


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I dont wantto see Sasha Banks or CM Punk in AEW.

Why is Dean burried Renee like that? Divorce soon?

Part of the gimmick steveo

>he doesn't know that Renee will be coming to AEW with a harlot gimmick

On Mox dumbass

>Literally standing outside a shower
Just wash the blood off already

Dean Ambrose was a nothing mid carder in wwe who got chance after chance at the main event

Yup. And with every chance he got over as fuck, only for Vince to bury him because he wasn’t Roman. Eat shit and die, E Slave.

After tonights show, it's pretty much guaranteed. he wanted to see how AEW would play out first.

>"H-hey D-Dea- I mean Jon.....C-could ya spread ya legs wide an sort of lean forward for me? I know I'm a manlet my dad knocked up a goblina"

Cody looks terminally ill


historians will look back on this picture and say this was the picture that sent Vince over the edge and rain a coal train on Renee until she was forced to leave WWE dragging her roast beef flaps behind her mumbling "Double or Nothing"

haha yeah rape is so epicly funneh! xD

She's a insider AEW scout now.


it's not rape if she doesn't know it's rape, also this is for you

I'm When do we start a tag team user?

Hi Kevin!

Stop watching porn

fuck off wolfcuck

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stop being a cuck and a white knight fag
i bet you cried when mitch the plant died
on renee? nah bro, she's all mine though before the coal train. i guarantee she's on borrowed time and will get the JR treatment shortly until she's forced to resign. this is not going to end well for her and the sooner she leaves, the better. perhaps a defection to Saudi Arabia is in the works,,,,

>beth @ the desk when
>lita @ the desk when
>alexa @ the desk when

>Guys in his 40 doing edgy gestures.


Already in NXT
Guarantee she's gonna retire in-ring and go to commentary. Commentary will be where they put you once you bump your neck to sawdust but there's no openings in the PC or backstage

i thought for a moment it was gonna be Paige when Dean left and everyone BUT vince knew he signed with AEW. but he killed her career a third time by making her the manager of the asian invasion experience. so fucking cringe and horrible.
i could see alexa do it and maybe corey would be a bit better than a smark gush monkey you wanna throat punch with each word he says. at least with her at the desk being kayfabe he loves her and mandy and "not" carmella

Since DBry got back into the ring I could see Corey doing some experimental recovery shit and getting back into the ring but as for who replaces him I couldn't he assed to think since like no talkers signed are dimes; unless they really wanna bury EC3 and hope his charisma translate to the commentary table

btw this was my post and everyone that replied got trolled i actually dont care about rape jokes lol

>cuck the cringe post
ffs dude youre horrible and you should know this really. go seek Ra my child

early 30s

corey is there because vince considers him edgy and a smark even though he the word cringe if the wrod cringe were a person. he would flop in the ring like most of the nicheXT call ups.

Corey's a shitter on the mic and in-ring I can't for the life of me solve the mystery of how he worked his ass into a commentator's headset
I said this in another thread but everybody with a foot out the door and people like Renee with deep connections to them are going to have a bad time. Vince will open the playbook from the 70s and 80s to make them never wanna work in the business ever again. The thing he's best at is leaving talent bitter and broken to a degree



i guess bret hart is shadow banned now, huh. just in time for hogan to go to oil country too

why is WWE living in their head without any payment?

same shit

haha trolled you even AFTER i said i was trolling that's crazy

I fully believe Natty is getting the brakes gimmick back thanks to all the shitposting going around and Bret making the switch

18+ zoomer
>final (you)
if brakes gimmick you mean buried to any and all, then yes. besides its not like the womens division is anything but in shambles right now bordering on more belts than actual women that could believable complete for them. obviously sasha gonna either cost or hurt bailey setting up that while becky fights a rag tag until jax is healthy

Meant to write brap gimmick but might as well put the brakes on exposing her on TV since her uncle went and did the equivalent of lighting a bag of shit on fire and sounding the alarm against WWE

trolled again holy frick man do you even know what a troll is LOL

wonder if michaels is brought back to a la Montreal again? this doesnt look good for E, but they will step up their game and hopefully vince will step down for real. with him at the spear-tip, they have no shot

I genuinely wonder how much of that gossip rag that was going around last week is legit. What keeps me from believing it is how much it writes like Vince is the sole obstacle you're blocked by backstage

vince is like queen of england, a figure head with no power except behind closed doors. feared all around and loathed. he lives in 1989 and thinks nothing has changed since. it's amazing they even have a social media presence given he hates when wrestlers say his name on tv.
this place and every other board will go nuts the moment vince steps down.
renee is effectively dead with anything going forward because you know she knew well before hand dean was going to aew

>every wwe tweet has replies full of this pic

top kek

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Better yet she probably helped him out by reassuring them that she'd try to get him back once his "rest" was over so they'll absolutely BLACKED her or do other humiliating segments every week until she quits or manages to stick it through until the end of her contract by which point she'll be a joke

won't be long before all comments are disbaled across all platforms regarding E's contents. their facebook isn't loading for me and youtube is mess with comments.
they have to be careful with muh sexism and feminism shit. its not like jr with the kiss my ass club. they gonna fuck her behind the camera and make it as rough for her as possible. i wouldn't be surprised if she does just quit and goes elite.


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>just beat up Cody's mates
>lad just sticks up a finger and poses for photographs
This kayfabe killing sucks


please tell me how she doesn't get JR'ed and embarrassed weekly now? she cleary knew his intention and kept it from WWE. vince will not let this go unanswered. are announcers considered talent and have 90 day no compete clause if they quit?
is it true he's on the ppv next friday in SA?
social media killed kayfabe user

if your whole fed is a passive-aggressive obsession with WWE, you're already dead on arrival. This is just TNA all over again.

Dustin kinda kept it going during his post fight stuff tho

It was way better then expected. Only complaint i have is about Brandi, fuck her. The moment she came out for the womens triple threat I instantly got Stephanie vibes and not in a good way. They only got stronger on the Cody V Dustin match. Fuck her

Other than that, it was pretty damn good

t. seething edrone cuckold homo

Cody and Dustin are literally going up against the Bucks at their next ppv. Can quite possibly see Moxley teaming up with them to take on the Bucks and Omega at some point

who's the next person to buy-in from E?
>the revial (lock)

pretty smug look knowing his wife about to coal trained

Most likely
>Rusev and Lana
Only if he dumps her and goes in solo. She has no love for the business.
Not if they value the welfare of their other chicks and the tranny
Could be solid midcarder
Brandi won't allow it

You know Vince is gonna be a bitch to Renee, she's going to quit, and they going to sign her because "haha fuck you old man" and everyone watching their weekly show is going to be subjected to listen to her commentary just with swear words added in coz it ain't e no more

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>fuck you vince for making me a millionaire and making it possible for me to be a big enough name to start a new company
>ya fuckin jerk

She's being Cole trained at commentary anyway.


Go outside.

Fuck WWE but this shit sucks too. Mediocre card like the other one, tons of cringe and botches, even more libshit tainted than WWE, audience made up almost entirely of Buzzfeed and Vice journalist looking nerds, product built around a bunch of middle of the road no casual appeal talents that would have been stuck in throwaway matches on Thunder or in ECW 20 years ago, because thats basically the best thats left in wrestling in 2019.

Its going to crash and burn spectacularly once the honeymoon period is over. Wouldnt surprise me if the tv show gets cancelled before it even airs.

1/2 6

>Wouldnt surprise me if the tv show gets cancelled before it even airs.
how could that even happen, lead me through it, user, please


yall nuggers are too obvious, troll better

No it's not. an entire decade means a lot.

It was done in the context of his feud. Think Shane Douglas.

That audience enjoyed that show more than WWE fans have enjoyed WWE in years.

>i-if they threw up the middle finger th-that must be an insult to my WWE and nobody can insult them!!!!



Big Dimes Dusty > Tripple Onions

did deano break up with the hot blonde?

still too old to do this shit, they are not teenagers anymore.

It's pathetic when metal bands do it, same with regular people

>falling for the age meme

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