Can we talk about Chris Benoit? Should he be in the HOF? Is his technical prowess really top of the game? (I think so but some say he was all suplexes and that's it) Was he murdered/conspiracy? Do his acts outaide of the ring make you not like her attitude and ruthlessness aggression era performances? Fave matches?
The better question OP is hiw you started a thread without a picture
Liam White
He is never going into the HOF. Just accept it. The conspiracy, IDFK. He was a great wrestler who killed someone, or was framed that he killed someone. Just accept and leave it be. Fave match Mania 20 was a good one. TLC 3,most of his matches with Eddie, and Jericho. Also his birthday was 5 days ago
Jonathan Edwards
He came home and found his wife molesting his 7 year old son. His wife panicked and killed him, and the boy, then herself.
Of course, everyone blamed poor Chris, who was just an innocent victim in all this. Fucking bitch took his life, his reputation, and his son's ass virginity all in one day.
Evan Garcia
There's a brand war of autism going on you'll have to wait about 15 or 16 days before making a legitimate thread user. Sorry
Brandon Allen
Hudson Torres
More like her side nigga was molesting their son and his name was Nash and it was 27 years ago
Gavin Evans
Honestly Ive been watching more of his matches lately and I was never super into the REA and I feel like I missed out on an incredible time for guys like Eddie and Chris. Who I didn't care about during AE and like damn those boys could wrestle.
PS brand war is retarded, If you didn't watch WCW and WWF as a kid you were a weirdo.
Isaac Myers
I mean a lot of people said Chris and his Wife felt like they were being followed right before it happened.
I think it COULD have been her Ex.
Jordan Russell
Wait.. how do we know that Benoit killed them? Was there any actual evidence? IF so what.
Andrew Morgan
That's the thing. It was rushed, not investigated well and swept under the rug as far as details. Chavo said he got weird texts, heard a scuffle on the phone and then there is the wikipedia thing....
Noah Long
What wikipedia thing. Also who swept it under the rug, Vince or the police?
Jayden Howard
Chris' wife's death was changed on her wikipedia page 14 hours before police found the scene. Also the police, assumedly with Vince's urgings released next to 0 details.
Dylan Turner
Why would vince cover that up though? What would be the purpose? Same with the police. With Chris' wife, do you mean that her wikipedia page said she died before their even was a report?
Xavier Green
Yes 14 hours before any news got out and before police found the scene.
As for why Vince wanted few details that should be obvious. I don't think Vince was covering for Sullivan just that he wanted it all over ASAP to save face.
Nathan Hernandez
Do you have any sources that I can read?
Owen Richardson
Chris was alone with the bodies for two days before he killed himself. He probably updated the wikipedia page just to be a troll.
Cooper James
The wikipedia thing is actually on the Wiki, Wikipedia being its own source on itself
I mean the guy was insane and drugged up, a potent mix of downers were found in his system, I doubt he was thinking about wikipedia if he DID do it.
Cooper Green
And they say Wikipedia is not a reliable source
Charles Brown
>Should he be in the HOF? yes.
WWE were responsible for what he did. The ultimate meme would be getting WWE to admit they failed Benoit, acknowledge his career, and acknowledge the positive changes that came from what happened, ie, actual drug testing, minimal chair shots, and not pressuring talent in to dangerous spots.
WWE were responsible by not providing adequate healthcare, supporting a company culture that doesn't allow you to show weakness, and by putting staff (yes, they are staff at the core) on ridiculous work schedules. The Benoit situation wouldn't have happened if the company wasn't a hotbed of shitty people working in shitty conditions under shitty management using shitty policies.
William Bell
The whole situation is shady as fuck on every side of the story
Grayson Harris
Implying the guy was actually crazy, and not just master troll who did it all for the memes.
Nathaniel Watson
Which is why the conspiracy theorists exist inside and outside the company.
Colton Turner
I agree that vince should have owned up to it earlier. Mental illness can't be a slight on your company if you also use other mental illnesses for profit and gain.
Also Benoit may mean the 4 horsemen never get in either.
The location of the bodies changed 3 times in the first day of the investigation
Chris was found with further decomposition than his wife and son
Chris's wallet was missing
There were signs of a break in
Chris had a cloth around his neck as if he was trying to minimise bruising
Chris's phone was missing
The house looked disturbed, as if someone had broken in and was discovered
Chris made a phone call the day before where he was alleged to sound as if he was reading from a script
The text about the dogs was said to be unlike Chris's texting style
Chris's body showed that he was sedated the day he died
The weight machine was set up in such a way that it wouldn't hold his weight
Jonathan Jenkins
They could just add the orginal 4 and not include Benoit
Gabriel Clark
Kayden Carter
I think you should get a life my man.
Dominic Brown
Read literally anything on it, this is incredibly entry level inconsistencies
Caleb Butler
In a SJW heavy world, if a campaign got traction and they admitted they had changed positively, they would actually come out looking okay.
Brayden Hill
Yeah that doesn't even get in to the really weird shit, like an alleged police report reporting stalking and a car following Nancy.
Jose Sullivan
Your on Asp at 3am like the rest of us
Jeremiah Jenkins
>Being American
William Collins
I meant them putting him in the HOF
Brody Turner
>Being in a third world country
Jonathan Gray
Who cares what the WWE does or says? Chris Benoit will be in the first inductee class of 2020 AEW HOF the day before their Winner Winner Hot Dog Dinner PPV.
Colton Smith
My country has a higher HDI than the United States though.
Christopher Fisher
Thats not saying much
Michael Martin
Shit man you're like a shitposting chameleon
Luis Hughes
Benoit died as a company employee, I don't see the issue 2bh. Make a big deal about acknowledging his career and changing positively.
John Edwards
Jeremiah Ross
One of my money is worth more than your dollar.
Brayden Gray
Good for you
Michael Baker
the only way wwe inducts him is he is found to be innocent
Brayden Lee
Even then it will take years to do so
Hunter Thomas
The HOF should not have anything to do with wrestlers character wise, excluding extreme shit like pedos or serial murderers. The principle basis is notoriety and achievements in the business and Benoit had a fuck ton of those
If a piece of shit like Carlos Colon can make the HOF there’s no excuses for Benoit, just make note saying you’re not condoning his actions, separate art from the artist
Asher Fisher
Not gonna happen. wwe removing chris benoit memory is the most bullshit thing they have done. After all pain/the headbutts/chairshot he did for the sake of entertainment. The comdenation of memory is the most stupid thing they have done
Chase Cox
I have a strong feeling Benoit being a murderer accounts for almost less than 5% of why he’s not in the HOF, shitty people have made it in before. The real issue is probably vince is still butthurt at the controversy his death caused, that steroid investigation could’ve plundered the company
Jose Martin
In the same sense that we should have and holiday for Hitler. Yes!
Instead of pretending it never existed, Vince should’ve just donated money to CTE, and all that other shit that deals with psychiatric shit. Too bad Vince is a scumbag.
Easton Sullivan
What did you want them to do?
Jack Allen
I don't blame Hitler for what he did, but I'm super pissed at the Jews for ticking him off.
Cooper Young
Wyatt Lee
They give money to Chris Nowinski's organisation all the time.
Joshua Martinez
He killed his son, bro. If you ran a company and celebrated a child murderer, you would go out of business.
Julian Gomez
Just as bad as the Sandniggers and wetbacks today.
Camden Ortiz
Everything comes back to Hitler
Anthony Sanchez
4 horsemen is flair, arn, ole and tully. thats it. every other iteration was just to make money off the first and doesnt count
Brayden Sullivan
will also accept luger but they should beat his ass at the induction
Logan Nguyen
Nothing will ever change the fact the worst part of his double murder suicide is we’ll never hear his theme again. It’s unironic gym music kino for a workout
Ethan Fisher
Just don't delete the things that he have done and act like he didn't exist. Don't sweep the history under the rug. One thing we can learn from this is regardless of what you did to the company, you are nothing in the end