Now that the dust has settled. why was it so shit?

now that the dust has settled. why was it so shit?

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because Kenny is the only member of the elite that's not a gigantic self mark

an executive team of marks putting themselves over to jack off their huge throbbing egos

Vince please go to sleep, you don’t wanna be tired when you’re rewriting RAW the next two days.

because you touch yourself ten times everyday

it was pretty damn good, and probably the best wrestling event I've seen in at least 10 years

The highs we're really good and the lows we're absolutely awful. Hopefully they can keep up the highs

>only ten
Those are rookie numbers.

>double or nothing
>it's nothing

Because it is USA pro wrestling and it was and has always been homosexual anime

The ELITE (and near friends) won every fucking match?

Who could imagine

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Main event was a big fat DUD. Bucks match is the same bucks match you've seen for the last 10 years. Only noteworthy thing out of this show is the Rhodes match and DEAN debuting, coincidentally all former WWE stars.

>Kenny lost

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yes but were you sports entertained?

I thought it was fine
not nearly as game-changing as I was led to believe it would be by the shitposting bombardment around here, but it was a perfectly fine wrestling show
reminded me of ROH when it was good

He lost to Jericho

It wasn't. The dust also hasn't settled. Youre also seething


better than anything wwe;s done in years but it wasnt that good imo. intrigued to see what they do next, but any company that employs deanetty should go bankrupt

>WWE is shit
>AEW is shit
>Soon New Japan will be shit too
>AAA after that
>Trolls and smarks will kill pro wrestling single-handed
>After all is said and done, and the dust has settled
>"Man, I miss pro wrestling"

No pleasing you


La Seria y Estable will live forever

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and got murdered by Dean

Unironically a mediocre show with the only good thing being Moxley showing up.

It wasn't shit but it wasn't amazing either. It was just a show with a bad finish to the main event but the Moxley surprise was a good way to end it.

And we got to see Awesome Kong so yay.

so he was hanging out with the 2 biggest names?


It was great. It wasn't the greatest of all time, certainly wasn't better than All In, but it was a great start for AEW. Certainly better than any WWE event in the last decade.