Reminder that we WWECHADS still have kairi ass with us

reminder that we WWECHADS still have kairi ass with us


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Kairi is disgusting like almost every other gook

ass not found

waifuship with kairi ended

shida is my waifu now

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For now faggot.

Kenny is on the move. Vince is doing him the favor of frustrating Kairi to the point of no return with his shit tours and by making her a jobber. She's already literally missing the NXT roster according an interview. It's only a matter of time before she gets tired of that bullshit and considers the door. It's a good thing for her that Vince was stupid enough to waste her first two years in developmental because her contract expires next year so no hold ups. Kenny will get her the very next day her thirty days compete clause expires.

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AEW have that autistic anime chink. Eat shite E Cuck.

Go to bed Vince the new WCW thing you were scared of ended

She’s leaving soon. Kenny will recruit her hard, if you know what I mean

Shida ass 100x superior.

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She looks like a japanese NEET incel who's transitioning to become a tranny. Literally a guy in a wig

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What does a women look like to you unfuckable hate nerds? Legit any chick "looks like a tranny" to you fucking faggots.
Please tell me, is it the vidya games fake girls? Or the actresses in porn that make you such a seething virgin?

Calm down you spergy weeb pedo. You get this worked over some random user not finding your gross gook waifu attractive and then call me gay as a cope lmao you're a walking meme you dumb low iq nigger

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Good lord, that hat costs $670.

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Shida >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Kairi

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bouta ding-dong diddly bust

Riho>>>>>>Kairi and 10 years younger. Kairi will make the switch soon anyway

low test OP

You retarded AE-drones know that Kairi might one day end in AEW right? Attacking her right now will only make you look like retards when it happens.

She cute

t. black

damn look at the bulge! I hope she has a feminine penis.


nobody cares about ya insectfu ya weeb

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To me she just looks like that one titan. Either way she’s always been ugly to me and I despise her pedo fans that use her as a proxy because she acts like a kid

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AEW needs to get rid of the fat, manly-looking gooks. It really makes it hard to fap to pit slut and the little petite ones when they're lumbering around the ring.

that face LMAO

>aew drones fap to this