Triple h living rent free

>triple h living rent free
>dean and jericho aka RAW 2016 is your mainevent
>bury your top star to put over ex WWE guys
great...i guess?

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Kenny looked like a simp tonight

You dont understand storytelling? Losing one fake fight isnt the end of world especially when the guy your losing has probably most mainstream appeal in the whole company

tna 2.0

>fat 50 year old wins match
ok you obese fucking boomer kys
gain sexual intercourse

>uses the term storytelling to set up the argument is within kayfabe
>then uses 'fake fight' as if in kayfabe they arent real
Grow a brain.

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Before main event:
>AEW: All Executives Win
After main event:
>AEW buries all their homegrown talent

The end of the show was about Omega fighting back after getting the shit beat out of him, that's hardly buried.


>losing a single main event match to another top wrestler is 'getting buried'

Glad you arent the head of businesses in AEW


>defending fucking jeribloat
kill yourself, i bet you liked every carder match post end of his streak

if anyone thought they'd do anything except put over ex-WWE guys on top you're delusional

They don't have any "Homegrown talent"

>having all WWE guys go over
>this will beat WWE

If Omega won that ending would not worked ya goof. Besides Jericho is their biggest name still to casuals

I'm glad Omega lost. All the BTE boys club went over tonight. Young Bucks should have lost

Literally one (1) "WWE guy" went over. Begging ya to get a clue


lol nigga this guy has won enough and played with the big dogs long enough to take a fucking loss, get a fucking clue

Wins and losses matter here tho.

I'm pleasantly surprised that he won't be the first champ. They still have time for that and Kenny vs Mox should be great.

have sex

you're right, building up babyfaces to chase the title is a horrible promotional tactic that has never worked in the history of pro wrestling

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Yeah good. Its not like one loss will be the end of the world

>thinking e-drones dont assume dean is the chasing baby face to jericho

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kenny looked like a fucking bitch

half the roster are jobbers, that's what they meant by that

jericho, cody and dean make 3
the young bucks are not a viable long-term act
the rest of the winners were literal fucking whos

Ok so everyone former WWE is now WWE forever. They are in contract for AEW now no? Doesnt that make them AEW guys. You just want them to lose because they are ex WWE no matter if it makes sense or not?

>Giving Kenny a chase for the belt rather than just handing it to him

I wonder if he regrets leaving his cushy spot in NJPW with all the prime Asian pussy and twink ass he could ask for to help out his simp friends once again.

dean is an antihero tweener like naito. they obviously set that up.
wwe doesnt have any actual characters so you might get confused though.

>coping with this shit
jericho winning was what everyone with an IQ above 50 knew for the past month. the khans got worked by a guy who literally only drew a few nickels when Vince gave him a shove.
They will regret demoting Omega.

Wow the fucking bait

Nigga Omega is wrestling Moxley at ALL OUT. Jericho is probably putting over Hangman.

All these seething vincel edrones. I love it.

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>Losing one fake fight
They literally said winning and losing matters lol

You would say the same shit if omega went over you drone