Yea Forums is unironically excited for trannyshit and left-wing propaganda

>Yea Forums is unironically excited for trannyshit and left-wing propaganda
When did this place turn to resetera?

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When the frogposters came.

Speak for yourself son

When we allowed people to defend NuJPW and nu-Bullet Club.

Ok keep swallowing made up shit from Ben Shaprio pal!

4channel is a judeo christian board!

nah bro this a traditional catholic board.

Kill yourself you tranny freak. You’ll never be a real woman

>dude everything is political lmao
this place was more fun before the election fags showed up

It's amazing how they need to turn everything into /pol/ I don't really understand it.
Unless... unless they have literally only one thing on their mind and think that everyone cares as much as they do.
I usually just skip these threads, because they are same people repeating same points over and over again. Because they do not have an original thought in their echo chamber of a brain.

Everything is political you duumbo. Being unitrested in politics just makes you a janny to reality. Cucked by the decisions of other men. Politics is ethics is people is the great instructor is your life.

rent free

/pol/ in your dome rent free

Off yourself poltard

Go back to /r/the_donald faggot.

Why is pointing out that wrestling business is about to get metoo'd by the same crowd that ruined video games, comics and cinema/tv a bad thing?
Just get your anus' ready for all the intergender, transgender and gay story lines coming your way im sure it'll be totally epic and save wrestling from the decline.

Did you just confuse Shapiro with Caprio?

Lmao so shallow.

About to? I'm pretty sure WrestleMania 30 was several years ago.

I want to say something about how cringe this is but I'm gonna get called a Tranny so I won't

based spooks living in your head rent free

I am kinda certain that those things that you are saying have been ruined are still making their owners a lot of money, so they are probably doing something right.
If you don't like it? Get out of that hobby. I don't care. If I stop liking something, I get out. I am not atttached to anything, it is not part of my identity. You should detach yourself as well, if it is hurting you. Get out while you can, stop being salty about it. That crowd will eat itself, they are like hyenas. We all know that.
So stop giving them your money, stop talking about it, because it makes you an enemy for that crowd and they need an enemy. If they do not have enemy on the outside (like you), they will start to cannibalize themselves from the inside. And then you can swoop in and be happy again.
Just stop giving them your attention, stop posting about it, stop the discourse from your side.

If only you knew buddy.

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What about Janitors suicide rate?

Just like Stirner you will die a loser having achieved nothing and with regret for a life wasted.

Hi Marx!

>wrestling company is pushing trannyshit and gun control

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you can’t regret shit when you’re dead

The last 2 years have had the biggest immigration of wredditors and /wew/tists. Just look at all the Outlaw Wrestling and Bingo Hall threads. Over 50% of this board has a terrible taste in wrestling now, it's filled with virgin beta numales

Unless it directly hurts the quality of the product i don’t give a ding-dong diddly shit. Wrestling was awful for a long time before the «SJW» crowd showed up

>virgin beta numales
seething that people have fun watching wrestling

E-drones are beta numales too.