A Saudi kid was arrested and tortured for years, then beheaded...


A Saudi kid was arrested and tortured for years, then beheaded... because he relayed a Whatsapp message about a government protest.
NOTE: If you relay this message you will be banned from Saudi Arabia

Just wait till we send WWE to punish them

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cry harder libtard

based saudichads in the westetties heads rent free

good, im sick of all these faggoty ass protests and milkshake throwing niggers. At least Sauidis still have balls and pyro. Cant wear a pink pussy hat with no head

How does Kevin Nash support this?

>using social media
>trusting technology designed to ensnare and control
I weep for the clear and present loss of IQ and self-respect worldwide.

>Supporting literal animals because they trigger libtards
All these moon worshipping
muslim motherfuckers can burn, fuck Islam and fuck Muhammad

>the "compassionate" left


ya seethe little guy? Did someone steal your imwithher sticker?? Did Chad stick your head in the toilet and marry your waifu??? Forget to dilate this morning???? Get misgendered??? awwww better make an angry twitter and reddit post, that will show drumpf once and for all!! awwww so sad

Extremely low quality bait

>Thinking I'm left wing
Nu-/pol/ can go ahead and gas themselves too

damn you really are triggered, i must have hit closer to the vest than i thought.


This is the country that WWE is okay with doing business?

yeah, and so is just about every other company in the country.

Extremely low quality bait

capitalism sucks

sucks for you that we're capitalist then huh
i'd hate to be you lmao

that's a badass sword

Keep shilling for the Saudis you useful idiot
FUCK the Saudis
FUCK the muslin dogs
FUCK the kike pigs
and last but not least
FUCK nu/pol/

Mouth breathing jew niggers are better than tripfags, it must REALLY suck to be you

ya worked

unholy trips of truth, tripfag BTFO

Third worlders gonna third world.
Do you honestly think ANOTHER regine change will change anything, you stupid trendfollowing sheep?
Look at:

I've got an easy solution:
We just kill them all

Why do the west want to care about this? Saudis killing their own kind means one less mudslime in the world, which also is better for them. Let them purge their own kind

Lmao since when is it left wing to wanna nuke all the sand niggers??

That’s kinda based. Islam will rule the world

Take the oil money, Vince. At least the money then circulates through the United States.

Starting with israel?

fucking based, we could learn a thing or two from these countries. fucking sick of fags undermining the government

saudi has more money than the US lol why do you think they're hiring wwe for a private party

they're far from 3rd world

Threadly reminder to filter out all cringey trip/namefags

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No they don't you retard. We are the only superpower in the world for a reason. Saudis bow to us and rely on us buying oil from them to survive. We turn around tomorrow and stop buying their oil, they die by the end on the month.

In June 2015 Forbes listed Prince Al-Waleed bin Talal as the 34th-richest man in the world, with an estimated net worth of US$28 billion. Prince Al-Waleed had a net worth of $20.4 billion in 2014. King Salman had a net worth estimated at US$17 billion in 2016.

I don't care

Their money comes from trade with the west. If USA stops buying from them they are fucked

>the s*n

Muh illsbreh
None of you cunts can read anyway

jihad against the jews when

>Third worlders gonna third world.

Saudi Arabia isn't the 3rd world you absolute retard


And That's how you keep the terrorists in check. Based House of Saud

shut up theg

Who cares they deserve to get nuked

So this... is the tolerant left?

>better crosspost on the alternative sports aka mandrama board, that'll leave some people W O K E


And yet America kills millions of unborn babies who haven't broken any law

So who are the REAL barbarians?

>actually trying to discuss fake fighting
lmao fucking pinheads out here today

Holly Kek. Having leftist living in your head rent free

If you’re an American and actually support this tyranny, you’re a fucking retard. Your country is founded on revolting against a retarded monarchy

Not trying to fight your wars any longer kike. Kill them on your own dime.

Saudis don't rule over us they just send us checks nigga I would prefer they take over the entire middle east including Israel and behead whoever the fuck they want

>its a potato farmer from Idahos duty ro rebel against Saudi Arabia
I dont think liberals even believe the stuff they type sometimes

I’m not saying to go to war and fucking kill them, sanctions on this country that literally has no resources can fucking crumble. The US still supports them