There are "people" who want the return of shit like this to women's wrestling

>there are "people" who want the return of shit like this to women's wrestling

Attached: Dh-OPLwXcAAn-Ej.jpg (1200x899, 146K)

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I don’t want to see women’s wrestling at all

I'd eat her shit

this it was novel when i was 8 and internet porn was hard to come by and risky to download from limewire but now i just don't want w*men on my screen

The only acceptable answer.

Your point? Dont you have a rally to go protest about on Reddit you beta faggot?

Attached: oh.jpg (98x122, 3K)

Melina is SO fucking fine

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Finally a sensible man

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either bring it back or do something to differentiate themselves from the men.

nobody cared about lita & trish for their ringwork no matter how much WWE tries to revise history. and workrate don't mean shit if the women you're trying to push as the faces of your division botch match that matters.

They should start a “fuck a fan” thing for all the virgins/incels like me. I’d pay a lot of money to finally lose my virginity.

there are pornstars who do that user, but you have to be on camera

I actually like these because it's like the ugly bastard tag, but "real" life.

I’m fine with that. I’m ugly and already know it, I literally have nobody in my life that would see it.

why not pay for a prost?

I think Lita could actually go in the ring for a while before she got fucked up, after some injury or series of injuries yeah she just became ass and tits.

In an company that involves Males they look comparatively awful and you have to drop standards massively to grade them on the same curve.
They're best as valets, skits, gimmicks and sex objects on a wrestling show.
The only of WWE's meaningful Female draws that actually focused on wrestling (AJ Lee) was a dog-shit wrestler who drew because she had very specific appeal and dressed like a slut.

Attached: cant be helped.png (989x1018, 617K)

>sex object

This term is the problem. This term is the root of everything wrong.

Fuck off back to Tumblr.


Stone Cold seems to be enjoying it

They are called straight uncorrupted men ya kike.
Based as fuck fpbp

I have seen and jerked off to things I can only tell people on Yea Forums.

How is what I said Tumblr?

What's Austin doing there?

I could but I’d prefer someone like Alexa

Yes and he just got a full season of a new tv show. Mint if you ask me


A man after my own heart.





Pretty much this

i miss her bros

There are “men” on this board who would rather see chicks wrestle badly than get their puppies out


Those people are called "men".
