Attached: D7T5hMJVUAEvuyl.jpg (1120x1464, 282K)

Wow Paige actually doesnt look like shit in her WWE makeup for once in this photo

Fuck - Honestly probably Paige, I wanna see what all the fuss is about, she knows how to shag and suck a dick so gimme the ding-dong diddly green light
Marry - Kairi 100%, just to stick it too all her waifu fuckboys like that one super-fan trying to marry her and shit
Kill - Asuka, process of elimination.

fuck asuka
marry paige and lead her to the path of god
kill kairi by process of elimination

Fuck and Marry Kairi because she's the only one not confirmed to be tainted

Kill the coalburners

Kill asuka marry kairi and fuck the slag.

Marry Kairi
Fuck Asuka
Kill Paige

Marry Kairi
Fuck Asuka
Kill Paige

Marry Asuka
Fuck Paige
Sorry Kairi...

Kill them all. I don't go where niggers been.