ITT heel turns
ITT heel turns
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Shibes are known assholes
>there's at least one person in there with AIDS
isn't it funny how that works?
is this real?
Young Krillin was great.
Hope it hurts
needs sergey shop badly
But his heel is in place while the toes turn
Was it autism or a genuine Chris Farley style funny streak?
absolutamente basado
based scatCHAD penguin
>Scat fetishist penguin
Now that's a heel
nah, that's accidentally super kicking your tag team partner when the guy you meant for it moves out of the way
*gets eliminated in the first round*
fuck westbrick
work or shoot?
Heel turn? More like wheel turn :)
ref completely no sells it
very disappointed an artist did that in the first place.
>mfw always thought about taking a nasty shit on the floor in a public restroom
I dunno man, it feels like I'd be going too far.
Wtf happened here?
i love how LeBron treats the vanilla midgets
Based Ref
Damn this vanilla midgets and their no-selling
this guy was in the passenger seat.
idk boss
Or any PPV theme song, I mean, I can imagine some cool graphics while this is playing
The song truly has some potential to become a memorable theme song
Suicidal guy told cops he'd set himself on fire in his car. No idea how he exploded the car though
show the rest
It's from Austin and Austin is a pit of degenerate druggies
westbrick is literally the goat what was this simp thinking?
Not sure what your replying too but paul Stanley is based
if you use a volatile enough ignition source it explodes like that.
They could have had a ton of hard gay bikers but they picked some random cunts
Women do this all the time. They hove so their ass does not touch the seat and turds just flop on the floor
Whats with the black history month shirts
Actually based
Having a tat removed hurts way more than having it put on.
>The payoff for Rhodes Holly vs. Debiase Jr. And a mystery opponent
Theres a lot more than that
Refs wear cups. Which WWE wrestlers are too dumb to do
Based Santina Morella
RR Hard Gay/Rob Halford ass niggas would've actually been cool
what happened to badass leather-clad gay men
That Finals series was the shit
How stupid are you?
I'm sorry brother, it has to be this way.
>Vince and his audience
Suh is a piece of shit. I'm happy he didn't get an owl.
fucking cops literaly lighting people on fire in there own cars. smdh
this worked me into a seethe
>2018 dragon ball
>liking anything from super
based bear
Shows that he’s still a face.
I don't get it
Don't turn your back.
they look based until he cuts them open and you see their true colors
>"OK, but you gotta make Roman look really strong..."
>b-but he's my tag partner how can i--
>"Don't worry about it, he'll call it in the ring."
what a fucking heel
oh yeah the rainbow stuff. I thought that until the end when they zoomed in, thinking then maybe thats where the twist is
holy based
Fuck this took me back
starving niggers in Africa SEETHING
Holy based do we have an oldfag tripfag
I'm sad the second cop didn't burn.
that filename got me you faggot
the incest nip bite was kino
Based doggo
i dont samefag you utter peasant
>mfw i did this to my sister once when we were kids
Super is a shit fan fiction. Fuck off.
Based Karl Stefanovic
Based Big Dimes DBS living in this seething jabroni's head rent free
What a poor life choice to put something like that on your body in the first place.
It was February dumbass
Why is the crowd full of white people?
probably the most bases thing i've seen on this board.
stick around a while longer simp we'll smarten you up
Nah I think I'll get more than enough smartening up from Double or Nothing.
i have one. he's generally very good but he can be a dick sometimes
This will forever be the song from the WoW episode of South Park. It's too silly to be taken seriously.
God, I'm getting too Oldfag for this shit
Man fuck DBZ for introducing power levels. It made decent strong characters from the past into jobbers
>tries to get back into flaming vehicle
damn it’s been a while
>when you put the Super Mario Sunshine disk in upside-down
>almalexia is a foodchad
Based lexi
I want to eat it but that cake is a lie
Working the Marks.
This shit was gay then and its beyond cringe now
based getting worked by the heels user
Fuck off reddit.