>The 5/17 television show was a mess for a number of reasons. The first and main thing is that in the much-lauded Michael Elgin vs. Rich Swann, in the television version on Pursuit, after Swann did three dives and a top rope move, they went to a commercial break. This was 96 minutes into a two-hour show. The next 24 minutes were nothing but commercials and they never came back. It wasn’t a problem with the tape, because they air the show at the same time on Twitch and they showed the complete match.

>The worst part of all this is that so few people watch Impact now (the last rating we heard for the show on Pursuit was around 10,000 viewers) that there was almost no talk about the miscue anywhere. I had zero e-mails or questions about it when I went to watch the show myself to see that specific match and saw the problem. Aside from that it was mostly a good show

What a joke of a company lmao

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based old news user finally catching up

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If Pursuit really hasn't gone over 10,000 then there were more people watching on Twitch than on tv.

not even the first time it happens if i recall correctly

shows still great so whatever

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>10,000 americans casually just watched 20 minutes of commercials and ate it all up


Was that the one that aired last week?
I can't remember that shit happening... but then again I watched it on 5Star in England.

how the fuck is this company still around

Jesus Christ, no wonder everyone wants off that sinking ship. I think Jordynne Grace is the biggest fucking retard to sign a 3-year deal with Impact in this stage of the game.

Attached: krossu following.png (973x829, 672K)

Based Killer CHAD signing with the Elite Leagues. Could he be world champ, fellow AEWChads?

>I think Jordynne Grace is the biggest fucking retard to sign a 3-year deal with Impact in this stage of the game.
She gets to work TV on a consistent basis and still take indie bookings.
She will be in WWE soon or later.

BASED. AEW could use some big bois and he's not the only one. Brian Cage is also interested in AEW, he'll at least be keeping a close eye on them. Why doesn't Impact just work with AEW at this point? AEW needs guys, Impact HAS guys. Impact needs exposure, AEW HAS exposure. Wouldn't it be beneficial for both parties involved?

Watch raw and youll never be able to tell the difference

AEW will be doing drug testing so Cage is out

>Aside from that it was mostly a good show
It's kinda funny that Impact mostly puts on good shows now but they're still doing clownshoes shit like this.

I like Cage but he's too injury prone, wouldn't work for live weekly tv shows

They are allowing roids tho, look at Jericho or Hangman

>Following Kenny Omema, Ospreay, and All Pajeet
Go back to wreddit

>Following Kenny Omema, Ospreay, and All Pajeet
>Go back to wreddit
>I cry and bitch about who people follow on their free time

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or kenny


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They have a mutual ally in AAA too. I think they might see AEW as rivals but id say right now in the short-term, just partner up. You need all the exposure you can get right now.

LOL just no. not only because of her "custom"/softcore porn matches she does, but they already got 1 fat chick to fill their quota, they're not gonna take some walking Cabbage Patch Doll with a 5-head and bad acne.

Plus they'll never sign her midget husband and they only want chicks that are gonna hook up with guys on their roster.

>not only because of her "custom"/softcore porn matches she does
half of the wwe roster had done fetish videos or worse

Killer Kross is definitely my pick for breakout guy of 2019.
The guy is intimidating as fuck.

Pursuit is the problem, who the fuck ever heard of the channel before this?
I'm probably one of 20 people that even knew of it back when it aired TCW shows

>The next 24 minutes were nothing but commercials and they never came back. It wasn’t a problem with the tape, because they air the show at the same time on Twitch and they showed the complete match.

What the fuck? How does shit like this happen? That has to be Pursuit fucking up, right? This shit didn't happen on Twitch.

Hmm, I wonder if a wrestling company could possibly be bold enough to brazenly exempt a chief officer's best buddies from drug tests that everyone else has to take.

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HOW has this promotion managed to live this long?