WON: NJPW and Omega situation

Omega was very quietly deleted this past week from the New Japan roster page. We were told that the company hopes he will return in the future and they are still wanting to work with him.

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So NJPW is basically a jealous girlfriend who can’t let go?

NJPW needs all the big draws that they can get for the Double Dome show.

That's reassuring. Hope he returns sooner rather than later.

Bro....why wont they just try to make a new star? Omega is in the us and he will definitely try to be the next big thing and will dedicate most of his time to bringing joshi to the us and being the top guy. Why do they even want him? This dude is killing any chance they ever have of getting an expansion in the us, cant they see it? He will bring the joshi, the Japanese style and if he could I am sure ibushi would already be there in the US. Kenny omega is fucking you in the ass new Japan...let go!

It’s fucking obvious they care about the western expansion and they saw putting the title on a simp like cringeblade didn’t do shit for them. They will hold out for Kenny as long as can

lol know how i know you're a new-NJPW fan?

Putting the title on kenny didn’t work either.

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>who can’t let go?

they literally deleted his profile, simp

>Deleted the profile
>Fumi and Dave said that NJPW still wants to work with him.

And what's so wrong with that exactly? He isn't available anytime soon so they removed him but they'd love to have him again in the future, why are you trying to find some kinda drama in that?

why wouldn't a wrestling promotion want to work with someone who is in the conversation for best wrestler in the world?
you'd have to be an idiot to say anything else

He's an AllPoojet drone who's pissed at NJPW for big-leaguing and sacking the E-Lite and choosing ROH over them.


it's almost like Dave is talking out of his ass here......


because he is obviously trying to fuck them in the ass. listen to the last documentary on ITV , he wants to go mainstream and become the new John Cena/rock/Austin , the moment he realized njpw no matter the expansion could never allow him to do that, he left. the Elite thing was specifically created to use the bullet club as a platform for their own thing. I ma a omega fan! Andi am not even blaming him, but it's obvious he used them for his own project and fucked of when he wanted to go big league.

I bet they do still work together but it's going to be a while before it happens so it makes sense to bury the lede for now.

I was told Omega was gonna be a surprise G1 entrant

TV Asahi already has promotional material out

source: I work in Japan

Please tell me

still more than AEWho lmao

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>So NJPW is basically a jealous girlfriend who can’t let go?

They literally took his picture off their site but remain happily open to working in the future.
They're the absolute opposite you coping E-Lite drone.

Okada was at ALL IN

And big leagued them too.

When people talk about the inflatable penises you say that All In wasn't an AEW show but now you want to try and claim it was for Okada? All In was ROH/NJPW and Okada won't have anything to do with AEW.

you think NJPW put the title on Jay White in a last second desperation move to make a new star, then looked at the ratings (which have actually been good, btw), thought they weren't high enough, and changed direction AGAIN by taking it off of him. and you think they're just sitting there hoping for Omega to come back and save them (even though he signed a 4 year deal, and even though NJPW doesn't need saving).

this isn't how NJPW operates. Gedo literally plans his booking out 2 years ahead. Jay White will have the belt again.

All in and DoN sold out in under 5 minutes and AEW got a prime time tv deal with TNT. Whojapcringe can’t even get prime time in their own country. Don’t even get me started on the dallas failure
>Grrr we hate you for reaving us Kenny
>prrrease come back anytime Kenny-kun

you must have me confused for someone else. there's actually more than 1 other person on Yea Forums, though you'd be forgiven for not believing it with how often the same couple of "jokes" are posted over and over.

The first half of what you said is literally what happened. Now they’re building up that new BC member in hopes of striking gold. It’s so obvious

it was a lot more Impact than ROH

he won the title and lost it. that happened, yes.
are you illiterate? because you're not understanding the difference between what you're saying and what i'm saying.
i'm talking about the intention behind it. it wasn't moves out of desperation, they were planned moves.

>>Grrr we hate you for reaving us Kenny
Nice projection but they just removed a non-contracted guy's picture.
>>prrrease come back anytime Kenny-kun
"We're open to work with" =/= Begging
Nice try E-Lite drone.

Omega wasn't gonna be working the G1, because he's doing stuff for AEW over the Summer. The soonest he'll be able to show up is probably gonna be, like, King of Pro Wrestling, to start building towards a match at the double dome.

be honest, how long have you been watching NJPW?

>they were planned moves
Keep coping. It was a desperate attempt and it failed. He saw that no one was getting behind the shitter and took the belt off of him. The fact that it was in America and not on home soil makes it more obvious


Preeeesu comebacku
Unirronically since WK8

what is there to cope with?
NJPW has continued to be great

Fuck NJPW, I hope AEW big-league them and refuse to give them Kenny. Would serve them right for not accepting AEW's offer and sticking with that sinking ship ROH.

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yea i can't believe they didn't just break a contract and get the shit sued out of them, what dummies

yeah but my dad works at Nintendo and says Kenny isn't in the G1 but Shinsuke Nakamura is!

Dude, Omega himself said if he had stayed the plan was for him to drop the belt to Okada in MSG.

coping elitetty

Omega is talking out of his asshole.
He had no idea what NJPW were going to do.

The faggot had no idea he was even winning the G1 of the HW title until the literal day of the show

hey guys everyone listen up
Kenny Omega has no idea what is going on, but this anonymous Yea Forums user knows the inner workings of NJPW

"Omega lied for no good reason and Jay White was a massive flop." is more reasonable to you than "Jay White was inserted into Kenny's place and was always planned to drop the belt to Okada at MSG, because it was a big mainstream show to put over their top babyface on." Okey-doke. You keep on doing you.

I hope so cause I am going to that show (Kings of Pro Wrestling)

This. This right here is why every All Poojeet cuck is seething over anything NJPW-related. It all comes down to that fateful day earlier this year when NJPW told them to fuck off. They're seething because NJPW rightfully only valued Kenny and didn't want the dimeless shitters riding on his coattails.
Thanks for outing yaself, hotdogs mark.

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Omega literally said in interviews with Dave he had no idea he was winning the G1 or the HW title.
>source: Kenny Omega

imagine thinking NJPW would EVER let a gaijin beat one of their aces in the main event of a Tokyo Dome.
How new are you?

Man, enjoy it. I hope I can go see a show at Sumo Hall or Korakuen some day.

Honestly... and I like NJPW a lot. Kenny or Chris shouldn't work for them unless they agree to bring some talent over as well. It isn't a good look to give away your big guns and not receive any.

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now explain how you got to know so much more than the top NJPW wrestlers
is Gedo your dad?

The G1 is a different scenario because it's a weekly tournament Retard. Plus Gedo told Kenny because he was leaving and Gedo tried to convince him to stay.

If he was in the discussion of whether or not to renew his contract, the plan for what the plans for the belt would be if he re-signed before WK13 probably came up at some point.

Kenny speaks fluent Japanese and lived in Japan, I think it's shortchanging him a little bit to just act like he's a run of the mill gaijin. He's already been pushed pretty much more than any gaijin in the history of the company.

>says "how do you know Kenny didn't know he wasn't winning the G1 or HW title"
>cite Kenny Omega himself talking to Dave that he thought he was losing to Naito and then to Goto
>now moving goalposts
seething queerly

yeah, nah.
Gaijins will NEVER go over an ace in the Tokyo Dome main event.


(and before someone gets fresh, no, Nakamura was never the ace lol)

Finally a redpilled post in this shitty thread

>implying Alex Coughlin won't beat Sho for the heibkyu in 2028.

I mean you gotta admit RoH is fucking dead weight now that MSG has come and gone.

when did i say that?
i'm just generally laughing at you for thinking you're more in the know than people behind the scenes at NJPW
i couldn't care less about what Omega did or didn't know in 1 or 2 situations.
my point is and always has been that NJPW isn't making knee-jerk reactions by the moves they've made with their biggest title, and that anyone who has watched NJPW for any length of time would know that.

ROH is shit but they’re perfect for NJPW. They want a bitch who would jump when they tell them to.

>the first Tokyo dome show in 1989
>Inoki was knocked out by Russian in main event

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Gotta love how Tama Tonga threw their tag belts and called them fucking garbage but the Briscoes are fucking around with Enzo and Cass and NWA, lol. 100% bitchmade.

>he still thinks this is Inoki's NJPW

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Really when?

What's your point?
It's NJPW show



if you don't understand the difference between Inoki's NJPW and Gedo's NJPW, then you cannot be helped

And that’s exactly why NJPW don’t want AEW. They don’t want a bigger promotion to question their decisions. If they did sign a contract with AEW earlier and hypothetically saying, Marty was a part of AEW, he wouldn’t even be a part of BOSJ unless he wins it all or at least look strong and go to the finals and lose.

Marty lost to Okada at ALL IN
Marty is in The Elite and will be joining them as soon as his other contracts are up

Kenny wants a talent exchange in return for working New Japan over money. He knows AEW roster has no good heavyweights and all the best wrestlers in the world are in New Japan. He's about to lose his rep as the best bout machine when his opponents are Hangman, Cody, and Sonny Kiss instead of Okada, Naito, Ishii and Ibushi and hes stressing out over it.

Nah, I don't think so. None of those guys had any problem doing jobs in Japan before, I don't see why they would now.

>They don’t want a bigger promotion to question their decisions

Reminder, NJPW has borderline raped EVERY SINGLE promotion they've done a "partnership" with

>with WCW, NJPW were the biggest beneficiary cause they got to use nWo Japan to draw infinite dimes and they rarely had to send any of their talent over to do jobs
>with NOAH... NOAH still hasn't recovered from doing a partnership with NJPW
>with CMLL, NJPW has been the biggest beneficiary by using CMLL as a dumping ground for talent that need new gimmicks and NJPW stole CMLL's LOS and turned LOS into the biggest dimes machine in NJPW
>with ROH, NJPW has essentially killed it and used it as an avenue to get to America
>with DDT, they sent Tanahashi to squash HARASHIMA and piss in their fans mouth to remind them how minor league they are

NJPW only does partnerships when they are the clear daddy.

Why would Okada lose to a Jr.? Even if he agreed to it, NJPW wouldn’t. All I’m saying is that AEW won’t allow their talents to be used like the ROH talents.

I was thinking about this. I don't even dislike the roster that much that they've made but holy shit there's not a lot of viable top guys in it. Omega is like the only candidate they have as far as Ace of the promotion goes. No one else is even close.

Hey you forgot TNA.
>NJPW has essentially killed it
To be entirely fair, RoH did that to themselves letting all of their talent fuck off to NXT or AEW.

NJPW hasn't had a MOTYC since Omega/Tanahashi at the dome.

If they can get Mox, that's a top rival for Omega right there. Once PAC drops the Dream Gate belt, he's another one. The Lucha Bros are probably gonna be wrestling as tag champs, but, they can both do singles matches with Omega too. Besides that, it's a little thin, but AEW believes they have guys they can build up.

but look as to why some of those talents left.

A lot of them left to take that sweet developmental money, but for example IIRC Roderick Strong's breaking point for leaving was when Ishii beat him for the TV title and Strong was vocal that ROH guys were constantly made to look like nothing compared to NJPW

nigga Sho/Shingo

KOR and Fish left for the same reason. Shibata pinned both for no reason.

Takagi vs SHO.

please excuse him, he doesn't know NJPW outside of WrestleKingdom & Dominion

>Strong was vocal that ROH guys were constantly made to look like nothing compared to NJPW
Really? I never heard that, got a link?

Said like a true All Hotdogs mark.

This is the most NuJapanlet take I've seen on here in a while.

More like he stopped watching after NJPW sacked the E-Lite.

>He didn't watch NJC
>He didn't watch BOSJ
You are good at sucking Omega's cock, AEWdrone

AEW hasn't had a MOTYC since ever
All those guys are more character workers than great wrestlers though, even PAC this year. There won't be any universal MOTY acclaim with them like say Omega vs Naito and Omega vs Okada series.

i think we're saying the same thing
i just thought you went too far with saying that AEW would have to have Marty going so far in the BOSJ
you made it sound like AEW/Elite are just going to put their guys over no matter what. and i don't think that's true, i think they'll book their guys in the way that makes the most sense.
people like to use so many of the Elite going over on All In as "proof" of them pushing themselves at the expense of others. but i disagree with that. most of them went over because that's what made the most sense at that show. it won't be the same going forward.

The hell do you mean no reason? They were making a transition to heavyweight and both got NEVER shots to prove themselves. Oh boohoo they lost they're first try. The company builds most people up slowly.

>I stopped watching NJPW after muh lites left: The post
Inb4 w-worked

My dad works in Japan and he says your gay

>people like to use so many of the Elite going over on All In as "proof" of them pushing themselves at the expense of others. but i disagree with that. most of them went over because that's what made the most sense at that show. it won't be the same going forward.
SANADA jobbed against one of the bucks in a ROH show. Fucking SANADA against one of the bucks.

>you made it sound like AEW/Elite are just going to put their guys over no matter what.
That's ironic given the recent incident with PAC and Shitman Cringe.

I've been to more NJPW shows (live) than you ever will but okay.

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PAC is more of a character guy now, sure, but I'm sure he can still go all out when he wants to. Even that little 10 minute sprint he had with Page was pretty darn good. He's probably the only guy I can think of that can have one of those absolute top shelf matches with Omega right now, but, well, it's hard to have matches at the level of the Okada/Naito/Tana/Ishii matches because those guys, along with Omega, are probably the top 5 wrestlers in the world. So pretty much anything Omega does outside NJPW is gonna be at least a bit of a step down, but they'll probably still find people he can have great matches with.

Nice cope tranny.

You know that PAC was supossed to win but lose to Kenny down the line right?.


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Go ahead and tell me what you think happened, I'll fact check.

>WK 12
>NYD 2018
>Dominion 2018
>WK 13
Neck yourself.

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>say you only watched WrestleKingdom or Dominion
>you post a picture of literally being in the nosebleeds seats at WrestleKingdom

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When was this? Unless it was in 2018, I don't think that's THAT big of a deal.

I want to go to Korakuen

Yeah, I don't think so, AEWhoetty.

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You know that NJPW only sells shitty seats for the foreigners right? You have to buy tickets in Japan to get good seats.

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you do know you just BTFO yourself... right?

It's cozy but it sucks at NYD. Tickets fly fast.

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SANADA is not that big of a deal (especially in ROH) and the Young Bucks aren't the ROH bookers.

maybe if you had the money for better seats you could see what was going on

Sanada was a literal who back then (and still kinda is, they're doing anything with him this year either)

He was in the finals of the NJC and main evented with a title shot at Dontaku, he's an established guy and has been for a little over a year. But if this was in like 2016 or something, it doesn't really matter.

NJPW only put those tickets for foreigners. All the good seats are for member clus or sold out instantly. I paid 100$ for that shitty seat.

He's not. They use him because he's over and need someone to buy time. He ain't winning a singles title this year.

>he flew to Japan
>paid $100 for a last row seat
I sure hope you got your commemorative 5XL LIJ shirt

All they need to do is have all the promotions work together through the NWA titles so every promotion can bring in each other's top guy for a dream match every so often.

>5XL ELITE shirt

yea i know, i was just making a joke, calm down

and then you find out the harsh reality that any promotion worth a damn won't want their guy to lose to another promotion's guy

it's like you haven't been paying attention at all as to why the PAC/Hangman and eventual PAC?Omega match were cancelled.

Well when the guy is NWA champion and not their own promotion'S champion they become subject to NWA commission booking so it's not a problem. It's like you have no knowledge of the history of wrestling.

This is the ideal.

This is the reality.

Cope harder, poorfag.

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PAC's situation is a unique one because he's on an undefeated streak DG is saving to make a new star. There can be give and take in these situations most of the time.

nah not mocking you for paying money to see a show, just why would you not try harder to get your money's worth for better seats?

Imagine flying half away across the world to see a show and the tickets you settled for are nosebleeds.

Because the good seats were gone by november. That's when international tickets went on sale.

>This is the reality
Nah, the reality is Nick Aldis vs Eita in the midcard if it were implemented.

>Implying this isn't all a work and Okada won't be at double or nothing.
I give 3 more months till NJPW kicks RoH out of the picture.

All In 2, maybe. I don't see him at DoN.

>Not a second passes without the All Poojeets having a fantasy-booking thread about NJPW throwing their hotdogs company a bone
Every single damn time.

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Yup, don't get it.
Just go watch NJPW, if you want to watch them.